Chapter Sixty-Four - Calling All Titans!

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    I stare absentmindedly out at the sea, watching as the waves glide across the ocean before smacking into each other and receding. The serenity of the natural setting eases my mind as we return home from our endless missions.

    A pod of dolphins stick their noses out of the water, glancing up at the disturbance caused by the T-Ship. My eyes focus on the creatures and turn blue, causing a small tornado of water to surround them. The animals are lifted into the air, letting out high-pitched clicks as they dive back into the water.

    "Finally." Beast Boy's voice brings me back to the T-Ship and the Titans, and I turn my controls off their automated setting as I tune in. "After months of fighting the Brotherhood of Evil, we're heading back to the Tower."

    My relief at being able to return home can't possibly be overstated. My leg begins to bounce and my fingers trill against the windowsill without my thought. The thought alone of sleeping in my own bed sends a flutter through my chest and prompts a giddy smile to form on my face.

    Whilst each of us were out on our individual missions to hand out communicators to honorary Titans, we had no choice but to sleep and eat wherever we could manage. Oftentimes, I found myself sleeping on the the ground or the side of the road, evoking unpleasant memories of my time before the Titans.

    When I wasn't out on a mission, I'd sleep in the T-Ship. If I wasn't alone, and other members of the team were waiting for their own assignment,  I'd wake up with a blanket draped over me. It became a game for us—like hot potato with a quilt. I'd always throw it over someone else, and the last person to wake up wouldn't have anyone to give it to.

    "First, I'll play Mega-Monkeys 4.2, then I'll eat a tofu burger. Or maybe I'll eat a tofu burger, then play Mega-Monkeys 4.2. Or I could eat a tofu burger while playing Mega-Monkeys 4.2."

    "Sorry, Beast Boy, but that tofu burger will have to wait." Robin's apology is met with a dissatisfied groan on the other side; the Boy Wonder's popped the shapeshifter's dream of getting home—and mine. "We've got one last mission before we can go home."

    To my right, a small hatch opens, revealing a communicator identical to mine. Slightly skeptical but seeing where Robin's going with this, I pick the item up and hold it in my hand.

    "The Brotherhood of Evil is targeting young heroes. There are still others who need to be warned."

    "Haven't we already given these things to everyone we know?" Beast Boy questions, still unsure."Titans East have them, Kole, Gnarrk, Kid Flash, Tramm the fish-boy, the Russian dude—"

    "Not everyone," Robin corrects, before continuing. "Your coordinates have been programmed into your pods. We'll meet back here once they're delivered and fly home together."

    "Can't we just send them a letter instead?"

    "If we split up, we can get this done faster."

    "And the faster we finish," Cyborg reminds us with a grin in his voice, "the faster we can go home."

    A noise sounds from Beast Boy's microphone, swiftly hidden with his voice. "Maybe it's better if we stick together," he stutters. "I-I've been fighting those guys most of my life, and I'm telling you, you can never underestimate the Brotherhood of Evil's evilness."

    "This is the best way."

    "Robin is correct," Starfire agrees. "I wish to make with the haste so I can see Silkie."

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