Chapter Twelve - Apprentice, Part One

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    I'm so nervous and excited to post this. Hope it's good.

    I'm jolted awake by the sound of my name being called, and I look at the door to see Cyborg standing there, worry written all over his face. "Slade's calling," he says, and my eyes widen in horror. Luckily, I'm already dressed, and so I follow Cyborg to Robin's room.

    Robin lies in his bead, soaked in his own sweat, and I mask my concern quickly when he awakens. "It's him," Cyborg explains, just like he did with me. "It's Slade." Robin's eyes simply narrow and he follows us to the main quarters, where Slade's waiting for us on the screen. Starfire and Raven are already there, no doubt glaring at the villain.

    "Good morning, Teen Titans. I do hope I didn't wake you," he says, faking sincerity. He stands in what appears to be a run down warehouse, but there's nothing behind him.

    "Don't get your hopes up," I mutter, glaring at the screen.

    Beast Boy yawns as he makes his way over. "What are you, an insomniac? Who calls at five in the morning—?" Raven elbows the shapeshifter, effectively cutting him off.

"What do you want?" Robin holds his fist up for the criminal mastermind to see.

"Well, that's precisely what you've been trying to find out, isn't it? And in spite of all your efforts, you're still in the dark about my intentions." Slade shakes his head. "Disappointing, Robin. I expected a little more from you.

"Like I care what you—"

"But since you've been unable to discover my plan, I suppose I'll just have to reveal it myself." The camera rotates to reveal two Slade bots unveiling a machine of some description. "I'm sure you're all familiar with the concept of a Chronoton Generator."

This revelation triggers a series of reactions from the other Titans, but I watch Slade instead. "No!" I hear Cyborg shout, along with Starfire's gasp of horror.

"Uh-oh," Raven comments.

"No way!" Beast Boy exclaims, then turns to the rest of us. "Um, what's a crouton generator?"

"Chronoton Generator," I correct.

"It eradicates all chronotons within a localised area, utterly destroying the temporal component of the space-time continuum," Starfire explains, only further confusing the green Titan.


"It stops time," Raven states. "Permanently."

"If he triggers that thing downtown, it'll freeze-frame the entire city."

"But why would he want to do that?" I ask, already sceptical of Slade's supposed plan.

"Tell me where," Robin demands.

"You're a clever boy, Robin," Slade replies, vague as always. "I'm sure you and your little friends can figure it out. However, since I control the detonation, time is not on your side." He holds up the trigger for the Chronoton Detonator to back up his words, and the screen flickers before disappearing completely.

The instant he's gone, Robin smacks his hand down on the control. "Fan out! Find it! Shut it down!"

He moves to leave but Beast Boy and Cyborg block his way out. "Hey, uh, maybe you should stay here and coordinate the search," Beast Boy says.


"Man, when it comes to Slade, you've got issues," Cyborg points out. "Might be better for the team if you sit this one out."

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