Chapter Sixty-Eight - Trouble in Tokyo, Part Two

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    I can't help my smile as I jump out of the T-Ship, eyes glittering as I stare out into the foreign city. I always thought the view of Jump City from the Tower was superb, but this... this is something else. The way the lights shine in harmony, placing me in a trance as I stare at Tokyo's beauty, is unmatched.

    "Tokyo! We made it!" Cyborg shouts, snapping me out of my trance. He leans forward and nudges Robin in the side with a smirk. "Told you it was a left at Hawaii."

    Starfire sighs, staring out at the city with me. "Oh, the city lights are like a million tiny flanorgla flies!"

    "It's so pretty," I hum, my eye wide in awe. "All the lights, the night sky, the—"

    "Whoo-yeah! Hello, Japan!"

    I turn around to see Beast Boy jump from the T-Ship. He seems to stop in place for a moment, and flips before he lands in between myself and the other Titans. His hot pink Hawaiian shirt flirts with the wind and even his beige khaki shorts blow up slightly, exposing more of his green skin.

    "—green boys walking around in Hawaiian shirts" —I shoot the shapeshifter a curious look— "how many outfits do you need, Beast Boy?"

    The boy in question chuckles. "We're on vacation, Ember."

    I shoot Robin a sideways glance, only to see him getting more aggravated. "We're not on—"

    "So, I need a lotta shirts," Beast Boy cuts in, clasping his hands together. "When do we get to go see the Great Wall?"

    "Never," Raven deadpans. "It's in China."

    "Ooooh... but you know what is in Tokyo?"

    Beast Boy reveals what he's been holding behind him: the largest book any of us have ever seen him with before. He holds it in front of him like the Holy Grail. As he stares up at it, his eyes shine with joy and his grin broadens as he points towards a tall, sleek building.

    "The world-famous, number-one greatest, most awesome Japanese comic book company, Wakamono Shuppan!"

    The green teen leans back and grabs Raven by her cloak, dragging both her and Cyborg—who happens to be next to the half-demon—closer to the cliff. His back faces the cliff's edge, and he doesn't bother looking over his shoulder to check; he's placed his trust in me to save him if he slips and falls.

    "Oh, oh, we gotta take the tour! Now! Please? Oh, we can't come here on vacation and not—"

    It's not the cliff that Beast Boy meets first, but the stern glare of Robin as he bumps into him. "We are not on vacation!" the Boy Wonder snaps without faltering. "We're heroes, not tourists. Our mission is to locate Brushogun and bring him to justice. And since we're guests in this country, we need to be on our best behaviour." He points his index finger at us one at a time as he surmises, "So let's just do our job, and try to stay out of trouble."

    Robin walks off, and the other Titans begin to follow him. "Come on," Beast Boy whines. "How much trouble could we possibly get in?"

    I lean in towards the shapeshifter and pull the hot pink sunglasses off his head, taking them for myself. "Don't say things like that," I note, my feet following the other Titans. My elbow links with Beast Boy's and as I near the cliff, he's forced along with me. "You wouldn't want it to come true, would ya?"

    My serious expression twists into a friendly grin as Beast Boy's usually casual features falter. He soon recovers, grinning back with his fang on display as he allows me to drag him along—he must think I'm joking. In reality, I don't even want to imagine what could happen when we're in Tokyo, both to us and the citizens we left behind in Jump City.

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