Chapter Seventy - Trouble in Tokyo, Part Four

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    In hindsight, breaking into Tokyo's police department to talk to a homicide suspect might not have been the brightest idea. I suppose Robin's blurring of the rules has greyed the lines for me too, though, to the point where the only coherent thought I can piece together is that I have to see him.

    The reality of what I've done hits me as I'm in the middle of looping the camera footage in the building, being exceptionally careful not to cover anything other than my own tracks. I don't want to incriminate myself more than I have to, and my conscience is already heavy enough as it is.

    My fingers scramble across the keyboard as only someone who has done this before could; my time behind the screen before Bruce trusted me not to kill myself or anyone else out on the field seems to have paid off. One by one, the screens flicker before they all turn green simultaneously, informing me that my attempt is successful.

    Quickly, my eyes flit between the remaining monitors to find the room where the Boy Wonder is being held and awaiting future interrogation. I locate him quickly—of course, he's in the most secure room in the entire facility—and try to hack the security. I'm met with a password I know I can't crack in time, and settle for stealing the unconscious security guard's ID and shutting down the camera when I get inside.

    Sweat begins to bead on my forehead and my hands become clammy as I softly shut the door to the camera room. It creaks slightly, causing me to wince, but I walk away as silently as I can whilst still making haste. I want nothing more than to get as far away from the security room as I can—as far away from all of this as I can.

    I feel a twinge of regret as I reach the room Robin's in—not just for what I've done to get to this point, but deciding to come here in the first place—and my feet begin to lag behind the rest of my body as I stand before the door. 

    "Come on, Ember," I mutter, before pushing open the door and slamming it shut behind me.

    When I walk in, I'm not greeted with the kind of warmth I'm supposed to expect; even if the bars weren't separating Robin and I, he'd most likely stay exactly where he was. The only real indication that he knows I'm here is the way his posture has straightened slightly—as if to assure me that he's okay, despite being on the other side of the bars in a police station's holding room.

    The Boy Wonder's eyes bore a hole in the graphic novel that sits on the floor—the only thing in the entire room besides our uniforms that isn't a sleek grey—and the seconds tick by. My body tingles and I shift in place awkwardly, before my hand stretches out to lock the door in place with the one chair in the room. As a result, I am forced to stand, but it suits me fine as I begin to pace the room.

    "So," I begin after an eternity of silence. Robin finally looks up, his expression stoic and blank. "... are you gonna try and tell me you didn't do it? That I didn't see what I saw?"

    Robin opens his mouth to speak, but a thought flickers across his mind and he thinks better of it before pursing his lips in silent defeat.

    "Robin, please," I beg. My pacing stops and I move closer to the bars, wrapping my knuckles around them. I search for his gaze but he intentionally averts it. "Just say something. Anything."

    He looks up, and for a split second my morale rises slightly, hopeful that I've broken through. The last few remaining shreds of my heart are torn apart brutally with a singular, resigned shake of his head. He's done fighting. He's done with this. With you.

    I let out a shaky sigh. "I need to go," I mutter, stifling the wavers of my voice. I turn my back on the Boy Wonder—just as he has done to me. "Thanks for nothing."

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