Chapter Eight - Deep Six

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    I liked writing this one, as I had a bit more creative freedom. Can't wait to finish and publish the Apprentice episodes, I'm so nervous but so excited at the same time!

"Begin launch sequence. Main power online." Robin's voice rings through my headset. I buckle myself in and listen to the other Titans run through their checklist.

"Oxygen tanks at maximum," Starfire states.

"Defensive systems active," Raven calls.

"Twin-turbo hydrojet engine purring like a kitten," Cyborg says in a sing-song voice.

"And your secret weapon is ready to rock," Beast Boy adds, causing me to scoff.

"Only time you qualify as a secret weapon is after eating a tofu bean burrito," Cyborg retorts through the headset.

"Uh, 'scuse me, bud. Can you breathe underwater?"

"Yes," I interject, but Beast Boy ignores me, waiting for Cyborg's answer. He doesn't give one, and so Beast Boy responds for him.

"Uh-uh. Can you be any fish in the sea?"

"Uh-uh," Cyborg says grudgingly.

"Didn't think so."

"Beast Boy's right. His skills are essential to our mission," Robin points out, and Beast Boy blows a raspberry. "We have to find out what this Trident guy is planning. If it takes forty barrels of toxic waste, I doubt it's environmentally friendly." The T-Sub gives a low hum to let us know that it's properly warmed up and that we're good to go. "Titans! Launch!"

The T-Sub zooms through the tunnel and into the water, and we all look out the windows in awe. "Ooh, wondrous!" Starfire exclaims as a passing school of fish swims by.

"If you think they're cool, wait 'til you see me out there kicking butt. First, I'm going shark." Beast Boy begins to make biting noises, but is cut off due to Cyborg muting him for us all. Cyborg soon turns the microphone back on, but Beast Boy doesn't say anything.

"Goodness me," Cyborg comments innocently. "I seem to have accidentally switched off Beast Boy's microphone."

"Could you go ahead and accidentally leave it off?" Raven asks.

"So when does Beast Boy actually—?" I begin, but Robin quickly cuts me off.

"Sonar contact. Beast Boy! Ready to go?"

Beast Boy's next words are muffled, which means he's taken off his headset. "Dude, I was born ready. Time to do what I do best." I watch as he takes off his harness and sinks out of sight. "Try not to be jealous."

He turns into a whale, so large that we can only see his eye. He blinks once then rises above us. "He just put on three hundred thousand pounds," Raven states in a sarcastic tone. "I am so jealous."

The T-Sub follows the green whale, and as we move closer to the bottom, the whale turns into a hammerhead shark. We look at the ship, stripped clean of its supplies. "Huh," I mumble.

"There's our ship, but where's the cargo?" Robin asks.

"If this dude's bad enough to sink a whole ship, those barrels could be anywhere by now," Cyborg notes.

We continue to follow Beast Boy until a silhouette lights up the rocks. It ducks out of the way just as we see it, and Beast Boy follows. "Looks like Beast Boy found Trident," Robin says.

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