Chapter Fifty-Nine - Hide and Seek

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    My eyes glaze over the lush scenery that surrounds Myrberg Station. A variety of mountains extend beyond my peripheral vision, implying that they're behind me as well, but I can't see too much as they're covered in trees and shrubbery. Behind us is a station house, and the dirt track in front of me is quiet—too quiet.

    My foot taps to the rhythm of the song stuck in my head, and I nod my head softly to it as well as I wait for the team of heroes Raven and I are supposed to be meeting. They should be here by now, unless I have no sense of time whatsoever. The latter is entirely possible.

    I share a glance with the half-demon and she shakes her head, rolling her eyes—not at me, but at the unpunctual team—before looking away once more. Sighing, I flip open my communicator to see that they're over five minutes late, before dialling Robin's device.

    "Ember calling Robin. Over."

    Instantly, the screen turns on, but it's not the Boy Wonder I'm met with. A familiar green face covers the entire screen, Beast Boy grinning at me through the camera. "Robin's communicator. May I help you?"

    I smile tiredly at the shapeshifter and sigh. "Beast Boy, there's a reason I called Robin, not you."

    Beast Boy's smile disappears slightly and he looks around, grimacing before turning back to me. "Uh, your boyfriend's fighting crime at the moment. Between you and me, he's getting his butt kicked." I snort at the green teen's bluntness before allowing him to continue. "Is it urgent?"

    "Yes, Beast Boy. It's urgent."

    "Okay. Uh..." Beast Boy looks around once more but when he doesn't find whatever or whoever it is he's looking for he looks back at the communicator and asks, "perhaps I can be of assistance?"

    Wearily, I glance at Raven. Steam may as well be billowing out of her ears as her eyes flare white, hair on the verge of flailing about. She nods once and once only, and I look away. "We're not sure that we're in the right place."

    Beast Boy frowns. "You should be. That's the pickup spot."

    Raven snatches the device from me, and Beast Boy's face lights up at the sight of her. "What if they don't show?" she questions, blissfully unaware of this. "Are we supposed to just hang around here in the middle of nowhere forever?"

    "Stay put," Beast Boy orders on the Boy Wonder's behalf. "Robin's trusting you both to meet that team and take them to the place where the Brotherhood of Evil can't get to them."

    Just then, a car appears on the road, kicking up clouds of dirt as it moves towards us. Raven hands the communicator back to me and I pocket it, eyes fixed on the vehicle ahead. It turns out to be a charter bus, which drops off only three kids before driving away once more.

    I walk in the direction of the departing bus, waving my hands. "Hey!" I call out, before turning back to Raven and muse, "Maybe they weren't on the bus."

    Raven hums. She either doesn't notice the children or simply ignores them—I honestly can't tell which of the two options it is. It's only when the ginger boy pulls on her cloak that she turns around with a confused hum.

    "Are you Ember and Raven?"

    My eyebrows shoot into my hair and I turn to Raven, who lets out a long sigh as her cheeks flush red in anger. "You've gotta be kidding," she says, before fishing out her communicator and squeezing the life out of it before pressing the 'ON' button. "Robin!"

    "Robin's communicator. May I—?"

    "Put Robin on," Raven snaps. When Beast Boy hesitates, her eyes turn white and her entire face burns with the red intensity of her cheeks. "NOW!"

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