Chapter Twenty - Transformation

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This is the song that Ember sings on the T-Sub. It's called 'Dancing in the Moonlight' by Toploader. Obviously, you can envision her to be singing whatever you want, but I had this song stuck in my head whilst writing this, so for me, it's this one.

I lift my head and without moving my arms, urge the rock in front of me to rise up. It hovers in the air, however unsteadily, and when I look at Robin, the rock flies at him. He whacks it away with his staff and I lift him into the air, allowing him to fight the robots on the next level. I feel the mechanism at my feet start up, and it lifts me up and away from the masked Titan.

I blink my eyes to adjust to the sunlight, and when I look around, there's a raging fire all around me. "Oh, no," I mutter to myself, before quickly sucking all the heat inside my body. Without wasting a second, I lift myself into the air and shield my body with water, not allowing the flames to escape. When the fire inside me collides with the water, it produces steam, which blurs my vision and sends me to the ground.

Coughing, I look up once more. The robots are disabled, and a figure in the distance is running towards me. I force myself to sit up, dusting myself off, and I squint at the figure. The person's identity is easily distinguishable from the spiked hair and flowing cape, sending a wave of both relief and worry through my body.

"Are you okay?" Robin asks once he reaches me, his eyes asking me to be honest with him.

I disregard this hidden message and place a faux smile on my face. "Yeah," I reply. "I'm fine." When Robin looks at me pointedly, I laugh softly. "Honestly. Just an error."

The leader studies me for a moment more before finally accepting this answer. "Let's go back. Take a break." I nod slowly, and accept his hand to stand up before walking back to the Tower.

We walk into the main quarters to see Starfire releasing Raven from a long hug. The red haired girl shrieks at the mere sight of us, pulling a large, green hat over her face. Robin shrugs before walking to his left, and I follow him.

"Just so you know, that's not really dealing with it," I hear the half demon tell Starfire.

My curiosity almost gets the better of me, but I don't investigate. Instead, I follow Robin out of the room and trust that he knows where he's going.


    I stand up from the couch and let the adrenaline pulse through my body as I fiddle with the controller that sits in my hands. Cyborg and Robin follow my lead, and Starfire does the same, clinging to her neck. She dives behind the couch, and we look at her quizzically before shrugging and continuing the game.

    "Turbo speed... come on..." I mutter, slamming one of the buttons aggressively.

    Cyborg steps closer to the television screen, before throwing his remote away and sitting back on the couch smugly. "Boo-yah!" I look up to see the words 'Winner - Player One' flashing on the screen and frown before congratulating the robotic teen.

    "Best of three?" Robin asks, and Cyborg nods enthusiastically before proceeding to the next round. I sit down in between the two boys and hold my controller up, and Cyborg presses start.

    The round quickly ends, and this time it's Robin who blows me out of the water. "When am I going to win one of these games?" I mutter, and both boys share a long look before tuning back to the screen for the next round.

The third round takes significantly longer to complete, and in the last lap, I overtake both Robin and Cyborg and seize the victory for myself. "Yes! I did it!" I shout joyfully, standing up and thrusting both fists in the air in a victorious manner. "I mean, I fight crime on a daily basis, but this is the best thing that's happened to me in a long time!"

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