Chapter Sixteen - Terra

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    I'm so sorry for not updating in a while, there's been a few family things that have taken up most of my time.

    I turn my head to the direction of a small shout and fly over to a giant scorpion towering over a small girl. She's no older than us, and although her long, blonde hair hides her facial features, I can tell from one look at her clothes that she's on the run from something or somebody. She's dressed in small, blue shorts, and a light grey long sleeved top lines her torso with a dark blue crop top over the top. Brown boots cover her feet, and I almost miss them against the rocky surface.

By the time I've finished observing her, the other Titans have arrived. "Titans! Go!" Robin shouts, and we get ready to fight. We don't have to, though. The girl stands up and lets out a battle cry as her hands glow a yellow that I've seen before. The bridge, made of earth, lifts up under her influence and comes crashing back down with a thud, squashing the scorpion.

I feel the other Titans' eyes on me, and I lift the girl into the air as they begin to unravel the situation. "She was not in trouble," Starfire points out.

"She was leading it into a trap!" Cyborg exclaims.

"Question is..." Robin draws out.

"...Who is she?" Beast Boy finishes as I slowly let her feet touch the ground.

She takes one look at the other Titans' awestruck looks, then her blue eyes lock with mine. I narrow my eyes slowly before smiling at her in a welcoming manner. "What? Haven't you guys ever seen a superhero before?" she asks mockingly.

Robin's the first one to break out of his daze, and he offers the girl his hand to shake. "I'm Robin. We're the—"

"—Teen Titans!" the girl exclaims as she fist bumps the Boy Wonder, who looks on, confused. "Rock on! It's cool to meet you guys. I'm Terra, and you're..." she points to each of us as she says our names. "...Cyborg, Raven, Ember, Starfire...and..."

I look at the last Titan—Beast Boy. He goes into panic mode as he spits out his name. "Boy Beast!" I snort at his attempt. "...Uh, I mean, Bass!"

"Beast Boy?" Terra offers, and Beast Boy screams before turning into a turtle and hiding in his shell. Terra laughs as he spins around. "Dude! He's hilarious!"

"Hilarious?" Beast Boy asks as he pokes his human head out of the shell. "Me? Really?" Beast Boy smiles, and I spot hearts in his eyes before he falls over. Luckily, I catch him in the wind and steady him, and Beast Boy quickly nods his thanks before turning back to Terra.

Starfire flies over to the blonde girl, a smile plastered on her face. "Curiosity abounds. Please. Where do you come from; how did you get here; what is your favourite colour; do you wish to be my friend?" She asks the four questions in spitfire, and Terra leans back instinctively.

"Um...Earth, walked, red, and...sure," she says, and Starfire engulfs her in a tight hug.

"Hello, new friend!"

"How's it going?" she asks as Starfire lets her down, and she straightens out her hands.

"So, what brings such a cool little chickie to our big, groovy city, huh?" Beast Boy says, blushing increasingly.

"I go where the wind takes me, you know?" Terra answers, tucking her hands into her pockets. "I get to see new places, meet new people, stomp a few bad guys here and there."

"Cool!" Beast Boy exclaims, laughing.


"Well, all right!"

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