Chapter Thirty-Four - Wavelength

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    Thank you so much for 200 votes!  I've been really inconsistent lately, and I'm so sorry, but the fact that my story's still getting noticed and getting recognition means a lot to me.

    I wake up to flashes of red, the alarm blaring at maximum volume. Without wasting any time, I fly out of my bedroom, already in my clothes.

    I meet Cyborg on the way down, Beast Boy hauled over his shoulder. Cyborg doesn't look at me, his eyes wide with determination as he leaps over the railing to the very bottom of the staircase.

    A figure hammers on the door, before prying it open and stepping into the light. Standing before us is--

    "Aqualad!" Robin gasps, and I stare down the hero. He stands in the same sea blue getup as he's always worn, seaweed draped over his shoulders and black mullet 

    The aquatic hero narrows his eyes at us. "Your trash is in my ocean," he states bluntly.

    I pull out my temporary communicator and dial Aqualad's, the device buzzing underneath his belt. I glance at him sourly as he pulls it out and looks up at me. "You couldn't have called?" I spit, not intending for my voice to sound so harsh.

    Noticing the silence that threatens to linger, Robin steps forward, taking the communicator out of my hand as I glare at him. "Let's head upstairs. After Cyborg resets security and fixes... that..." He motions towards the broken door behind Aqualad. "... you can tell us everything."


    Aqualad walks to the centre of the room, standing in front of a screen depicting blueprints. "An undersea fortress, fifty miles off the coast built by the former headmaster of the H.I.V.E. Academy, Brother Blood." As he explains this, he changes the image on the screen to said headmaster, grinning evilly. "I'm pretty sure you guys have already met."

    "Yeah, we go way back," Cyborg explains. "I went undercover as one of his brainwashed students but after I destroyed his school, we kinda lost touch."

    "Because Blood moved out of your neighbourhood and into mine. I tried to take him down my own, but Blood used his mental powers to jam my telepathy. With no fish to help me..."

    "... You got schooled," Beast Boy finishes from the couch.

    "Pretty much," Aqualad confirms. "But I was able to contact an agent within the H.I.V.E., and find out what the fortress is hiding." Another press of the button in his hands, and the screen flicks back to the blueprints once more. "A massive sonic resonator, capable of creating a tidal wave big enough to wipe out your entire city."

    Robin and Starfire gasp, and Beast Boy sits up, startled. "Dude!"

    "Yo!" Cyborg says, bounding to the front of the room. "That's not just any sonic resonator... that's my sonic cannon!" He lights it up, as if to prove his point.

    "I wouldn't be upset about that part, Cy," I state, referring to the natural disaster to threaten our city.

   I watch as Cyborg turns away and huffs loudly. "When you hacked into the H.I.V.E. Academy computer, the H.I.V.E. hacked into you," Aqualad continues. "Blood downloaded everything in your central schematic database."

    The robotic male whips around at the sound of this, eyes crazy and desperate for revenge. "He read my blueprints?!?" he roars. "MY PRIVATE BLUEPRINTS?!?"

    "And he's using your technology to attack the city," Raven tells him calmly.

    "Then this is my mission," Cyborg says. "I'm taking Blood down with my own two hands!" His mechanics quickly flicker from blue to red and black, before changing back again. "All right, listen up! While I go after him, y'all are gonna--"

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