Chapter Twenty-Seven - Deception

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    It's been so long! I am so, so, sorry for the wait. At least now, I have my planning done for the season. Hope it's good!

    The alarm's ringing bounces around my head as we run to the vault door. Inside, three figures run around, desperately trying to get everything out.

    "I could use a hand here!" the giant redhead grunts as he attempts to lift up several bars of gold.

    "How 'bout a foot?" Cyborg says as he kicks Mammoth back into the wall. Gizmo and Jinx turn and look at Mammoth's defeated state before turning to look at us.

    Robin spins his staff as we stand in front of the exit. "Titans! Go!" We run at the villains, and Gizmo presses a button that duplicates his figure. They all fly around, and I make a staff out of ice and stand back to back against Robin. We whack away the holograms, but Robin jumps away. I follow suit just as Mammoth's punch hits where we were.

    The punch rumbles through the ground, and Raven shields herself to block the blast. Jinx jumps behind Raven and pushes her back, but Robin catches her. The pink haired villain sends three waves of pink energy at the roof, and I hold it up as it starts to crumble.

    "Three raids in one week? Man, this is seriously getting old!" Cyborg exclaims as he shoots his sonic cannon at Mammoth before jumping out of the way.

    "Tell me about it!" I call, growling as a piece of rock almost lands on my head.

    "The H.I.V.E. Academy's new leader must be up to something!" Robin states, avoiding Mammoth's kick.

    "And wouldn't you like to know?" Jinx spits as she sends more blasts to the ceiling.

    A green starbolt hits her in the back and Starfire takes her place. "Yes, we would!" she shouts, and I join her in fighting Jinx as well as holding up the roof.

    "Ember, look out!" Robin calls, and I dive out of the way just as Mammoth goes to punch me away. A hurricane of water swirls around the giant, trapping him inside.

    "Oh, you did not just do WHAT I THINK YOU DID!!" Cyborg roars, taking my attention from the giant. An amused giggle leaves my lips as I stare up at Cyborg, who's attached to a large magnet on the roof.

    "Check it out! The world's dumbest magnet!" Gizmo cackles. Raven throws Jinx back as Starfire floats down. Robin and I walk up beside the pair, arms crossed. "Junk it! Let's blow this place!"

    Robin slips a tracking device into my hand and I nod, turning to Jinx. Gizmo and Mammoth are already out of sight, but the pink haired girl focuses on distracting us. Quickly, I wrap the tracker in my fist and punch her out, the tracker attaching to the back of her shirt.

    Cyborg jumps down from the roof and begins to chase after the girl. "Yo! Nobody pulls a science fair on me and gets away with it!" he shouts.

    "It's okay, Cyborg," Robin says as he helps Starfire up. "We'll see them again, sooner than they think." He holds up his communicator to reveal the tracker in action, and I shoot the mechanic teen a smug smirk.


    The H.I.V.E. logo flashes on the map, showing us the exact location and coordinates of their headquarters. "Tracking device?" Beast Boy says. "Very sneaky. Looks like the H.I.V.E.'s secret headquarters isn't so secret anymore."

    "So, what are we waiting for?" Raven asks.

    "We need to know what they're planning first," Robin replies. "Otherwise, we could walk right into a trap."

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