Chapter Fourteen - How Long Is Forever?

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Electricity. Fire. Electricity. Fire.

This is what I wake up to the nightmares of, along with the sweat clinging to my skin for dear life. This time, it's Starfire who opens the door, but unlike Raven, she looks at me with a naive look, rather than a pitiful one.

"Are you okay, friend Ember?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just another nightmare." It's become routine now, my waking up in the middle of the night. The time currently reads 1:47am, and it's now that I notice a necklace of beads hanging around Starfire's neck. "What are those?"

"Oh, yes. This is a tinnabula, as today is Blorthog!"

"Blorthog?" I ask groggily, sitting up on my duvet.

"Yes, Blorthog," the alien girl explains cheerfully. "The Tamaranean festival of friendship!" Our voices are still hushed, in order to not wake up the other Titans.

"Oh," I say slowly, before smiling at the girl at my door. "Well, Star, happy Blorthog. I'll see you in the morning."

"But isn't it the mor—"

"Starfire, I need sleep," I say, cutting her off.

"Oh, okay." She beams in the hallway, waving. "Goodbye, friend Ember! May your dreams be—"

I lie on the perfectly made bed as the door shuts, my body free of the covers, and sink back into sleep. I don't know how the girls know when my nightmares occur, but whenever I wake up, there's at least one of them there.

This thought sends me to sleep, my mind thankfully void of horrors for the remainder of the night.


"Happy Blorthog!" Starfire shouts, and I look up as she looks around in disdain. "Huh?"

"Oh, hey, Star." I wave her over enthusiastically, a faux calm on my faux smile.

"Come on, Beast Boy, gimme that thing!" I look to my left to see Cyborg and Beast Boy fighting over the controller on the couch.

"Dude! I'm in the middle of a game, Cyborg!" Beast Boy argues, spitting the mechanical Titan's name like dirt.

"Yeah, my game, 'cause it's my turn!"

"Give me the controller!"

"How about none of you get it?" I ask, lifting it up into the air effortlessly. Beast Boy turns into an eagle but every time he nears the controller, I edge it away. He soon gives up and slumps back down on the couch.

"Friends! We must frolic and leap in glorious celebration, for today is Blorthog, the Tamaranean festival of friendship!" When everyone ignores her, the Tamaranean girl's smile fades slightly.

Beast Boy and Cyborg continue to fight, and Starfire walks up to the latter. "Joyous greeting, friend! I, Starfire, give you this tinnabula as a symbol of—"

"You're gonna pay for that, you little grass stain!" Cyborg cuts her off as Beast Boy wraps a tentacle around his neck and pulls him away. Beast Boy jumps back onto the couch as a frog and turns to a human, laughing and basking in his victory.

"Many blessings, friend. May your ears be filled with sugar candies and—"

"Beast Boy!"

"Look!" The shapeshifter snaps. "I'll give you back the controller as soon as Raven gives back my nail clippers!"

"You don't even have the controller, Beast Boy," I point out, looking at the controller floating in the middle of the room.

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