Chapter Forty - Titans East, Part Two

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    Here we go! The finale!

    The door opens in front of me, and slowly, I step through, ignoring the Boy Wonder's look of surprise at the mechanic teen's absence. 

    "He lefts us," I say gloomily, bowing my head in shame as tears prick my eyes. "He left us, Robin."

    My legs give way and I sink to the floor as the door closes behind me, covering my mouth with my hand to muffle the sobs threatening to escape my lips. I squeeze my eyes shut, edging silent tears onto my cheek, but they're quickly wiped away as the Boy Wonder crashes into me, his arms wrapped around my body in a tight embrace.

    I don't dare open my eyes but feel his gloved hand lift my chin up to rest against his shoulder. He doesn't say anything, but pulls me up so that I'm standing. I remove my hand from over my mouth slowly and grip the boy in front of me tightly, not daring to let go. A choked sob leaves my lips and I shut my mouth furiously.

    "It's okay," Robin says softly, after what feels like an eternity. He takes my hand and leads me to the couch, motioning for me to sit. "Why don't you tell me what happened?"


    I walk out of my room, my hand brushing the wall as I go. Eventually, I come to a stop just outside the living quarters and press my ear against the wall in order to hear. "... there's nothing I can say to change your mind?" Robin's muffled voice asks.

    "No, man. I'm staying in Steel City as leader of the Titans East." My heart sinks as I hear the words of confirmation from Cyborg, over the screen. "That's it, end of discussion."

    "Well, could you at least tell me why?" Robin pesters. "I mean, I'm losing a member of my team here. And it's not like I can read your thoughts."

    "They need me. And this is my big chance. I'm ready to show people what I can do. I'm ready to grow up, to be a man."

    "And what about Brother Blood?" My breath hitches as I hear the villain's name, and with it, the potential for a fight to break out.

    "What about him?"

    "I know how badly you want to catch him. And I know a thing or two about being obsessed with your target." Robin pauses for effect, and I walk through the doors into the room. "Look, I just worry about what you're getting yourself into."

    Cyborg pauses, then turns around as I join Robin. "You think I can't handle it."

    Robin opens his mouth to protest, but I immediately put my hand on his chest and push him back. "No, Cyborg, that's not what he means," I say, shooting Robin a look, telling him not to interfere. "Stop, both of you, and take some time to think about it before you say something you'll regret. Please."

    Robin says nothing, only mumbling something under his breath as he turns to leave. I fight the urge to press him on what he said as the doors shut behind him.

    "Oh, Ember. I'm sorry," Cyborg says, lifting up a large contraption over his head and grunting as he walks it over, into the wall.

    "No, don't be," I rush out. "You said it. This is your big shot, to make it as a hero. I want you to take it. I just wish we had more notice, more time, more--"

    "I'll visit, remember?" Cyborg huffs in an exasperated manner."I promise."

    "Fine. But first trip's here, with all of us."

    "Okay, okay," Cyborg concedes, hands up in resignation.

    "And no more arguing with Robin," I add. "He means well. He's just concerned."

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