Chapter Twenty-Five - Aftershock, Part One

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I'm so nervous to publish, I hope I did a good job. Stay tuned for the season finale and the second part!

    The skyscrapers fly past as I stare up at the open roof, leaning my head on the top of the seat as I do so. "Okay, okay. I got one. Why are ducks so funny?" Beast Boy says, looking at Starfire and Raven in particular. "Because they're always quacking jokes!"

    Cyborg gives a sarcastic laugh and Robin groans. "Pull over," Raven says. "I think I'm going to be sick."

    "Oh, I see!" Starfire pipes. "It is humorous because ducks lack the large brain necessary for the telling of jokes." She giggles and Beast Boy smiles, but I roll my eyes from my seat in between them.

    "Actually, Starfire, it just wasn't humorous," Robin states, dampening the shapeshifter's mood.

    "Because Beast Boy lacks the large brain necessary for telling jokes," Raven quips.

    Beast Boy and Starfire both look at the girl. "Come on, Raven, you know I'm hilarious. And I'm not gonna give up until I get you to smile." Beast Boy pauses, either for effect or to give him time to think, and then clears his throat. "Okay. Why did the aardvark cross the road?"

    "To beat up the idiot telling jokes about him?" Raven says, not wasting a second.

    My head snaps to life as I start to let out a girlish laugh, trying desperately to hold it in. Cyborg and Robin aren't much better, as they laugh whilst Cyborg stops the car for the light. "The idiot telling the jokes..." Cyborg says, in between laughter.

    "Now that's funny," Robin says, and when my laugh has subsided, I shoot Raven an appreciative smile.

    "Please," Starfire says as the light turns green. "An aardvark is some form of duck?"

    The car moves forward but is slammed back by a rock. It tumbles over, and I hold my hands over my face to avoid concussion. Once it's stopped, Starfire shoots out the roof and her door and I hop out beside her, though I'm fairly certain I already know who attacked us.

    "Terra?" Beast Boy asks. The blonde stands before us with chunks of armour attached to her torso, shoulders, elbows, hands, knees, feet, and on parts of her head. The rest of her body is wrapped in bandages, and Slade's symbol rests on her chest.

    It's not just her outfit that's different about her, however. She wears a malicious smirk, and there's an evil glint in her eye that wasn't there before. "Hey, guys. Miss me?" she says, before letting out a shriek and sending rocks at us. I attempt to stop them, but fail.

    "Run!" I shout, but it goes without saying, and I am the last one to leave the car before the hailstorm of rocks hit it. Terra picks up the boulder that hides Beast Boy and uses it to smash the car, and glares at the green Titan before pulling up the rock behind her.

    "Titans! Go!" Robin calls, and we all charge. Terra's rock splits the ground as she flies towards us, and the crack knocks Robin and Starfire back. Cyborg readies his sonic cannon and shoots the rock in two, but Terra uses the smaller part to hit Cyborg back.

    Beast Boy jumps up and holds on to Terra's rock, pulling himself up. "Terra, stop!" he shouts once his feet touch the rock's surface. "We're your friends!"

    Terra leans forward. "I don't have any friends, remember?" she sneers, uppercutting him and sending him to the floor.

    I do what Beast Boy did, except when I get on, I don't try to talk. Instead, I sweep Terra's feet from under her, diverting her focus and sending the rock to the floor. I try to lift it back up, but I can't, and I watch helplessly as Terra walks up to Robin, who lies on the floor.

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