Chapter Three - Final Exam

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Chronologically, this one comes after the other two, right?

"Aw, man, come on!" Cyborg calls, hoisting up the couch in search of whatever he has lost. "It's gotta be around here someplace! I don't believe this!" Beast Boy, in bloodhound form, sniffs at the garbage, trying to pick up the lost item's scent. "How could you lose the remote?"

Beast Boy returns to human form. "What makes you so sure I lost it?" He asks, leaning into Cyborg, who does the same.

"Uh... 'cause you're you," he replies, not giving it much thought.

"Hey!" Beast Boy exclaims. "Just because I lost that video game—"

"And the toothpaste, and my football, and the waffle iron—" Cyborg says, listing the items with his fingers to prove his point.

"Things disappear," Beast Boy says, shrugging it off. "How am I supposed to know where they go?"

"Well," Cyborg asks. "How am I supposed to watch TV without a remote?"

I hear Raven slam her book from beside me and stand up. "Simple," she states icily. "You just get up and change the channel."

If the loud noise of the book slamming didn't catch their attention, her words did. Their heads snap in her direction and their eyes pop out of their heads. "Don't even joke like that," Cyborg warns, and I hide my smile by turning away and moving to the kitchen.

"I wasn't joking," Raven says.

"Good, 'cause it wasn't funny! Now either help us look for the remote, or go back to your nasty old book and—"

"This is a pointless argument over a useless device," Raven says. "You are wasting your energy and disrupting my concentration." With that, the cloaked girl walks toward them, just as Robin and Starfire walk in, talking amongst themselves.

"I'll help you," I say, and they turn to look at me in surprise, causing me to roll my eyes. "I know that when you find the remote, I'll hear nothing more from either of you. So, let's get looking, shall we?"

"I'm telling you, I didn't lose it! You were the one watching TV last!" Beast Boy continues, as if Raven and I had never said anything. "So if you want to blame someone, look in the mirror, buddy!"

Starfire and Robin gape after Beast Boy, but I simply shrug. "Whoa! Take it easy, Titans! Combat practice is this afternoon!" Robin says.

"We must mend your dispute by the sharing of unhealthy junk foods. I shall fetch them," Starfire adds as she crosses to the kitchen.

"I don't need food, what I need is a time machine, I didn't—" Cyborg says.

"Back me up here, Robin! Have I ever lost any—?" Beast Boy asks over Cyborg. Robin doesn't pay attention, only focusing on calming the team.

"Okay! Okay!" I watch as he gets more aggravated when no one listens. "Hey! Come on! Settle down! Enough!"

"Can we just find it already?" I groan as I pull at something, which only proves to be Beast Boy's dirty sock. "This is getting old. And smelly."

The noise level raises, higher and higher, until we're all silenced by the sound of a starbolt and the feel of mold all over our bodies. I shudder in disgust and glare at Starfire, who stands by the fridge.

"Maybe we should just go out for pizza," Robin states, and I leave to take a long shower.


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