Chapter 4

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     I gotta admit, Adam and Ty's constant bickering is pretty funny. It made the entire road trip entertaining. Fortunately, Ian was in front of the wheel while I was in shotgun, so Adam and Ty could pick on each other.

     "Your hair is sticking up." Adam teased.

     "Oh yeah?" Ty shot back. "So is yours."

     "No it's not- AAAAGH!!!" I didn't even need the rear view mirror to know that Ty was messing up Adam's hair.

     "HALP! ANIMAL ABUSE!" Adam yelled.

     "Oi! You two knock it off or you'll have to walk." Ian threatened.

     "Well, just make sure that they have thumbs before you do that." I said before I could stop myself.

     "Why would we need our thumbs?" Adam asked.

     "To signal any cars driven by people that care enough." I did a thumbs up and waved it around.

     "Please help mehh..." Ty said in a high pitched voice, copying me. Adam went into a fit of laughter while Ian grinned, his gaze not leaving the road.

     "Well, at least we know who the mature one is." He said slowly.

     "ME!" Adam made everyone jump at the volume of his voice.

     "ADAM!" Ty and I shouted back. He smirked devilishly.

    "I regret NOTHING." He announced, making Ty facepalm. By the time the drive was over, I was wheezing in laughter. "You're wheezing." Adam pointed out. I couldn't stop smiling.

     "Well, no der, Sherlock." I shot back.

     "My name's not Sherlock." He replied.

     We all climbed out of the Corvette, the laughter fading. "Welcome to YouTubers' University." Adam announced dramatically, waving his hand in emphasis. I took a look around. It was HUGE! There looked to be about 15 five story dormitories, and then the University itself was larger than all of them put together.

     "Holy bacon..." I muttered in awe.

     "Bacon?" Ty questioned. I gave him a wink.

     "I love meh some bacon." Then two guys ran up to Adam and Ty, crashing them into hugs. One had a black and red checkered jacket, obviously BajanCanadian, and the other one- of course, had a foam diamond axe on his back like a bow; ASFJerome.

     "Aaaaand they're back!" Mitch yelled happily.

     "Aw, dude, we missed ya'll" Jerome said, giving Ian a hug.

     "Sheesh, I feel so popular." Adam said with an 'innocent' grin.

     "Weellllll... You kinda are." I pointed out.

     "True dat." He nodded.

     "Where do I stay?" I asked, scanning the huge buildings. Ty snapped his fingers.

     "Oh yeah, there are no empty rooms, so I guess you're with me." I blinked in surprise.

     "So let's get your stuff organized." Ian put in, hauling my bag out of the car. I grinned. I'm officially in YouTubers' Universiity.

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