Chapter 18

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     "Hey Samantha, there's a party coming up soon, you in?" Wildstar asked as I stared up at the ceiling.

     "Sure." I swung my feet over the edge of the bunk bed. Ashlyn and Wildstar are very nice and all, but I miss Ty and the others... A sudden flick on the head pulled me out of my thoughts. "Owww..." I whined with a grin.

     "Sorry. It was too tempting." Wildstar chuckled. I got up and patted her head, only to pull back when I felt something prick my hand.

     "Ouch!" I yelped, pulling my hand back in shock and surprise. My ears flicked as I inspected my hands. There were two small holes.

     "Woah, you can do that?" I looked up to see Wildstar staring at me in awe. I cringed.

     "Yeah, but you can't tell anyone." I pleaded. Wildstar brushed her hair back to reveal deep blue elf-like ears.

     "I'm part dragon." She admitted. "That's why you got pricked, because my horns are really small."

     "... Well, at least it's not because you're prickly." I decided while my ears disappeared. She laughed as Ashlyn peeked in.

     "Amy made cookies." She said cheerfully.

     "COOKIES!" Wildstar darted past Ashlyn and sprinted to the kitchen. Ashlyn and I shared a glance before laughing and following Wildstar. we found her, Amy, Taylor and Nathan all munching on cookies, but Nathan was covered in flour, as well as the floor. I glared at Amy while silently laughing.

     "Oh dear." Amy smirked at me evilly before throwing flour in mah face. "EEEEEEPPP!!!!!" I screamed while the others laughed. I grabbed the flour holder and tossed some on Amy's face. Taylor and Wildstar cracked up, so I poured some more flour on their faces before turning to Ashlyn. She backed up behind Nathan.

     "Don't do dis." She pleaded. I grinned sinisterly as the white powder covered the both of them. All was good though. We ended up laughing, only to realize that the floor and counters were now filthy.

     "Craaaaabbb." I groaned, facepalming before shaking the flour out of my hair. Wildstar giggled before following my action, flour going everywhere again. Nathan flinched as he was covered with more flour.

     "Hey, I'm trying to eat here!" He complained.

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