Chapter 7

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I woke up on Ty's small clean bed, my hoodie down. I sat up with a ridiculous grin on my face as I remembered what happened... My YouTube crush kissed me! Yes, I admit it. Tyler Warren Ellis is my crush. But I still don't want Amy to know... I was fangirling so hard right now, even though I knew I would have to deal with it, and see him... Oh, Gawd, I need to calm down.

An interesting but delicious scent wafted into the room. I followed it downstairs to see Ty flipping a pancake.

"Hiya!" I shouted happily. He looked at me in time for the pancake to land on his face. He let out a sigh, his shoulders slumping as I tried not to laugh.

"Go ahead, I know you wanna." He muttered exasperatedly. I finally laughed as I peeled the warm golden brown food off of him, setting it down on a plate next to an already tall stack.

"What's with all dem pancakes?" I turned back to Ty, waving my hands at the plate in emphasis. He was about to reply when the door swung open, and Adam burst into the room.

"Where's da BUDDER?" He yelled, even though we were only a few feet away.

"IN DA FRIDGE!" Ty screamed back.

"Thanks, dude." Adam replied, his voice at normal volume. He grabbed half of the stack, placing them on a plate as he also collected the tub of butter and the syrup. Ty shook his head in disappointment before taking the surviving pancakes to the small table, where Adam was showing the butter no mercy by dumping a lot of it on the plate.

If peaceful counts a food fight, then breakfast was blissful. I used the couch as a hideout as Ty and Adam threw the pancakes at each other.

"STAHP WASTING FOOD!" I finally yelled, peeking out from behind the couch to see Ty smudged with syrup, peeking down at me. I smirked and licked some syrup off of his forehead. He made a sour-face, rubbing at where the syrup was.

"Hey Samantha, nice headband." Adam called, making Ty turn around.

"It's-" SPLAT! I held my hand over my mouth as Ty slowly turned around with butter in his bangs.

"Ha ha ha!" I laughed, falling backwards. Ty briefly ran his hands through his hair before he pinned me to the floor and started tickling me. "No- Ha ha- I don't-wheeze- need help laughing!" I squealed, struggling out from underneath him.

"Hey, I'm still here." Adam waved from the couch. Ty stopped tickling me and just stared down at me.

"What?" I asked. He smirked and threw butter on my face. "GYAAAHHH!!!!" I screamed, pushing Ty away and laughing. "Why, Ty? Why?" I whined, wiping the contents off my cheek. Ty was laughing too, so I decided to try finger painting by smearing butter on his chin, making a smiley face.

"Adam, what did she do?" He turned to Adam, who fell off the couch laughing. Ty facepalmed, turning back to me. "We better get cleaned up before we see Professor Felix." My smile faded as I switched to a serious attitude.

"Right." I handed Ty a napkin from what used to be the dining room table.

*****Le time skip of- (Adam: BUDDER!)*****

I checked to make sure my hoodie was up as Ty's Corvette pulled into a parking space.

"Ya ready to see Professor Felix?" He asked. I nodded, dragging myself out of the car. I followed Ty as he led me to the tall building. But tall didn't even begin to size it up. It was gigantic. I increased my stride to keep up with Ty as he weaved through the milling students. I caught sight of Quentin (HuskyMudkipz), and even Igor (TryHardNinja) as we plodded up the stairs. I was starting to fall back when Ty turned to me, grabbing my hand and making me blush. "Keep up." Was all he said before dragging up twenty more flights of stairs. He was wheezing by the time we pulled into a hallway. After he stopped for a few seconds, he noticed that he was still holding my hand. His face turned a deep shade of red, and he quickly let go of it.

He rapped his fist on a door.

"Come in." Came a reply. Ty pushed the door open to reveal someone reading a book, who slowly looked up with his electric blue eyes.

"Hey bro! How can I help ya?" Felix asked cheerfully. Ty turned to me.

"This is our new college student of the year, Samantha Verona." I dipped my head.

"Well I hope Ty is training you properly." Well, a fleeting glimpse of me and Ty kissing, with nothing but moonlight and darkness surrounding us, coursed through my mind, but besides that...

"Of course, Professor Felix." He waved his hand, as if catching an imaginary butterfly.

"Psh! Professor Felix. Too formal. You can just call me Felix, Sammy." Then Ty coughed.

"Well, uh... I'm sure she should meet the the other students, right professor?"

"Absolutely!' He chirped, before doing a salute. "Nice meetin' ya!" Ty brought me out of Felix's office before starting to drag me down the stairs in silence

"He seemed nice." I finally broke the quiet.

"Yeah." Was all he said.

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