Chapter 9

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     "THERE'S A DANCE TONIGHT." Adam screamed in my ears. I jumped a few feet away from him, rubbing my ringing ears.

     "ADAM!!" I yelled back. He laughed and messed up my hair.

     "Aw, you wouldn't hurt me... Right?" I gave him a devilish smirk.

     "We'll see." I answered in a deep voice. He gave me a look that said "But I'm innocent. Why me?" as he took a step back. Ty opening the door, coming in the dorm with Ian and the Fish, saved Adam's hide.

     "DA FIESH!" I yelled as I glomped Ian. Ian let out a manly yelp as Quentin yelled "I'M NOT A FISH!". I gave him a pouty face when Ty coughed.

     "I feel so loved right now..." He announced, looking like he lost his laptop. I smiled and hugged him, pecking him on the cheek. The others started going "Ewwwww, kissing, yuck!". Ty laughed and broke away from the hug to shove Adam, who was the closest nearby. Ian was laughing until I grabbed his glasses and ran out of our dorm.

     "HEY! GIVE MEH BACK MAH GLASSES!" He yelled, chasing after me. I went up some stairs and down some, leading him all over the building, and finally hid in a random room. I slammed the door shut and locked it, breathing heavily but still grinning.

     "Can I help you?" A British accent made me whirl around, my hoodie almost falling down. Dan was staring at me sleepily with a toothbrush in his mouth.

     "Ah... uhm... I uh, was just hiding from Ian." I stammered.


     "I didn't mean to intrude, sorry."

     "Nah, it's fine."

     "Ok, I-I'll just go then." I said quickly, leaving the room in time to run into someone. "Oh, sorry, I just-" I stopped to stare at him. He blinked at me in surprise.

     "No, it's ok." Jordan (CaptainSparklez) straightened his jacket. "I should've watched where I was going."

     "Same here." I echoed. Jordan glanced down at the glasses.

     "Are those Ian's?" He asked. I grinned sheepishly, holding them up.

     "Yus, I ran off with them. That's why I wasn't watching where I was going." I briefly explained.

     "Ok, but hey, listen. Are you dating Ty?" It was my turn to blink in surprise.

     "Yeah, but where did you hear that from?" I asked wondrously. He shrugged.

     "Adam." I shook my head in despair.

     "I should've known." I muttered as someone else came up to Jordan.

     "Hey Jordan, you ready to record?" Igor asked. Jordan nodded.

     "Yeah, bye Samantha." He responded cheerfully before following Igor away down the stairs.Ian sprinted passed them, wheezing loudly as he slowed to a stop next to me.

     "Ok." He gasped, leaning on his knees. 'You made your point-wheeze-no picking on you and Ty-huff-." I smirked at him.

     "What makes you think that I was making a point?" I asked smugly. He groaned in defeat and facewalled the wall.

     "Can I-wheeze- please have my glasses back?" He begged. I stroked my imaginary beard.

     "Hmmm.... tough decision..." I finally held the glasses out to him. Ian took them gratefully, taking a deep breath.


     "Uh huh, don't push your luck."

     "Aw, hey Doods!" A familiar Canadian accent interrupted the silence. I waved my hand in greeting as Mitch and Jerome walked to my side.

     "Ello." I replied cheerfully. Ian just weakly waved.

     "Meh." He grunted. I chuckled.

     "So are you guys going to the dance tonight?" Jerome asked. Huh, I guess Adam wasn't joking about that.

     "I don't know, parties aren't really my thing." I admitted. All three of them gave me a fake and exaggerated gasp. I shrugged. "Haters gonna hate." I continued meekly.

     "Come on, it won't be da same without you, and all the colleges' students are attending."

     "Pwease?"  Mitch gave me the cutest and most innocent-like puppy eyes I have ever seem. I finally gave in and laughed.

     "Ok, fine, but only if you stop killing me with your 'cuteness'."

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