Chapter 42

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Samantha's POV

     I quickly stepped back from Herobrine.

     "What was that for?" I asked.

     "I care about you, Samantha, a lot. If you came with me, to Minecraftia, you could become my queen. We could rule the Nether together. You are so valuable, even Notch would be jealous. If you would just-"

     "Stop." I sighed. "I'm already in love with someone." His eyes flickered.

     "Deadlox, is it?"

     "Yes." He took a deep breath and sighed.

     "Then I'm afraid I'm going to have to do this."

     "What-?" He threw some sort of dust on me, resulting in me coughing.

     "See you in the morning." I fell forward and blacked out as he caught me.

 Dan's POV

    "Hey Ian, what's wrong?" I asked, seeing his frustrated expression. He let out an angry sigh.

     "The girls, they followed us to Seto's, and now want a piece of the action." I blinked in surprise.

     "Even Taylor?" I questioned. He shook his head.

     "There's something about her that reminds me of Seto. Her hands started steaming when I told them that they couldn't come with us." I bit the inside of my cheek, deep in thought.

     "Have you talked to Seto about it?" I suggested.


     "Maybe he can help you." Ian rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand.

     "Maybe." He muttered, sliding past me to Seto's dorm room. It was a pretty formal place too, I had to admit. The design made it look like we were in the late 1800's of England. I'm starting to miss Gemma, Ellie and Darcy, but I have to help my friends.

     And there's also Taylor. She's similar to a sister to me right now, not in blood of course, but bond. I know she cares about me too-

     "Earth to Dan!" I blinked my eyes open again, looking up to see Seto.

     "You alright?" He asked.

     "I'm fine." I got up out of my seat.

     "I've fully recovered my power, so we're going to hunt Herobrine and Samantha down, send Herobrine back in his rightful place, and recover Ty, Adam and Jason. Any questions?"

     "Nope, I don't believe so."

     "Then let's 'Crack On', shall we?"

Samantha's POV

     I heard shouting, but it seemed distorted. I struggled to open my eyes, pulling the dark veil of shadows away from my blurry vision. The scene in front of me was horrifying. First of all, everything was made of blocks. But there were others there.

     Seto blasted a fireball, purple flame devouring its surface, to Herobrine, who narrowly deflected it to a creature similar to Deadlox. The fireball hit Enderlox, making him hiss in pain. Someone similar to Sky flew over to him, teleporting him to safety as a near-to-identical of Jason threw a Wither bomb at Herobrine, who barely dodged it. Tyler and Dan were back to back, as well as Taylor (AntVenom) and Quentin. A bloodied up Bodil and Jerome were ganging up on Herobrine, from behind him while someone similar to Mitch, a more Walking Dead appearance, was assisting a large red black and white dragon on killing an army of Wither Skeletons and Blazes. A black clothed Ninja was spottable in the midst of an army of zombies, finishing them off one by one. Dan's skin and a skeletal dog were helping him. I wouldn't have been surprised if Trayaurus was helping Dan out with potions or something. I spotted Ian, with his blocky glasses on, swinging an iron sword and fighting... Derp Ssundee?

     A bang shifted my gaze as someone slammed into the wall, rubble covering him.

     "Samamtha!" Enderlox pulled the Minecraftian out, and I found myself... facing my skin? She had the brown bangs over her left eye, the other containing a crimson red iris. Her black jacket was ripped in some places, the white of the shirt showing underneath. Her spandex were tattered and patched, while her shoes were in slightly better condition. I was facing my Minecraftian self.

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