Chapter 17

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     I watched, amused, as Ty struggled down the stairs with my bag.

     "How do you have so much stuff?" He complained, dropping the bag at my feet with an oof!.

     "Ty. It's only one bag." I protested. "Just compare me to the other girls."

     "What other girls?" He asked softly, pecking me on the forehead. I bopped him on the head playfully before crouching down and hoisting the bag on my shoulder. Ty stared at me questioningly.

     "What? I was in track." (Aurora, the 4th wall please...) "Cough."

     "What?" Ty asked. Before I could explain, Adam ran through the open door and hopped on top of me.

     "AAAACCKK!!! TY HALP ME BEFOREIDIEANDGETEATEN!" I screamed. Adam backed up behind Ty.

     "... Ow?" He rubbed his ears. I laughed and hugged him.

     "Aw, did I hurtchu?" I said in a small voice. He sniffed, obviously pretending to cry.

     "You got meh." Then I pushed him away, smirking. "By the way, how you doing that cat thing?"

     "What cat thing?" I reached up to my head when Adam added "The ears are gone now, but how are you doing that?" I tried to come up with an excuse when my vision was covered by someone's hands. "Nice to see you too, Bajan." I turned around and pulled the hands off to see his flabbergasted expression.

     "What!? How did you know?" He exclaimed. I lifted my index finger up to my mouth.

     "the budder ninja does not give away her secrets." I whispered. Ty glared at Adam.

     "What did you do to her?" He asked in a mock serious tone.

     "Nut-an." He responded in a singsong voice. Jason and Jerome creeped in the room.

     "Jasoon!" I yelled, crashing him into a hug (Jasoon is not a misspell, it's deliberate).

     "Nice to see you too." He replied, slightly muffled.

     "Hey, whadda bout me biggums?" Jerome interrupted. I pulled back from Jason and hugged Jerome as Ian's head peeked around the corner.

     "Is she gone yet?" He asked, smirking. I ran around the corner of the door and trapped him in a hug.

     "Nawp!" I replied cheerfully, popping the p. He gave me a sad face before pulling back, laughing. Quentin, Bodil, Hailey, Igor, Taylor, Tyler, Dan, Jordan and even Felix came to say bye. I finally found myself in Ty's Corvette as he drove me to the Wattpad University.

*****Le time skip of a boring Road Trip*****

     Ty said bye to me before I walked into the building, where I was hugged abruptly.

     "Halp I'm being kidnapped!" I exclaimed, already expecting it. Amy pulled two people up with her as Taylor pulled back, smirking.

     "Samantha, this is Wildstar and Ashlyn." The two waved cheerfully and said hi. I waved back, even though they were only a foot away from me. "Well, let's get your stuff unpacked. You're Ashlyn and Wildstar's roommate." Nathan announced, stealing my bag away from me. I gave him a sad look.


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