Chapter 39

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     It turns out, the dance wasn't as exciting as I hoped. But hey, at least Ty didn't get in a car accident again.

     But he probably doesn't remember me right now...

     Wildstar, Amy, Hailey, Nathan, Ashlyn, Taylor and the guys did their best to keep me entertained, or distracted. Wildstar introduced me to her boyfriend, ThunderStorm. Of course, I went on a joking rant about not knowing that she had a boyfriend, who is he, what is he like... Good times. I only pretended to be happy, pretended that my life wasn't broken...

     "I'm gonna hit the sack early." I told the girls before pushing past the double doors. It was pretty windy tonight. The moon was really bright too. It was beautiful. I paused to gaze at the stars, forming the constellations in my mind. Pegasus was always my favorite, but I could also see The Big Dipper and-

     A twig snapping caught my attention, and I turned around when something clipped me on the head, knocking me out.

Ashlyn's POV

     I'm worried about Samantha. She's not answering her phone. Not only that, but she's been pretty quiet lately, non-humorous, tired, and secretive. Should I follow her?

     "I think I'll go home too." I faked a yawn to prove it to the others before heading out of the University. After a few meters, I spotted two people down the road. One of the them was out, then when the other turned to me, I spotted his white glowing eyes. Wait, what? Glowing eyes? No one has those- unless...

     They disappeared before my eyes. I just stared at the spot they were at before dialing a number, panicked.


     "S-Seto." I sobbed. "S-Someone- took her. His eyes-"

     "Wait, what are you talking about?"

     "I- I think I hallucinated, but-but he had the glowing eyes." I took a deep breath before continuing. "I think Herobrine just kidnapped Samantha Verona."

     Silence. I glanced at the phone to make sure it's still connected.

     "I knew this would happen..."

     "Wait, what do you-"

     "I gotta go."

     "Wait-" He hung up on me. I sighed crossly. What am I gonna do now?

Seto's POV

     I dialed the guys immediately.

     "Hey, what's up!?" Ian yelled over the music.

     "You guys need to come here, now." I used my other hand to push the curtains over the window, telekinetic style of course.


     "The pizza delivery came."

     "Wait, pizza, what the freak do you mean-"

     "SARCASM! Herobrine kidnapped Samantha!"

     "Well sorry, I couldn't tell! Sheesh!" I snapped the phone shut and hung up. Geez, can't someone tell when one was being sarcastic? I should get my sarcasm sign-

     "NO!" I yelled out loud. "This is serious, I've gotta focus." A rap on the door sent me running to it. I opened it to see a man cloaked in a faded turquoise cloak. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.

     "What do you want?" I asked gruffly. He slowly looked up, revealing bright white eyes.

     "Simple. Only to make a trade." Herobrine purred. "Or, perhaps, a bargain..." I was about to flick my wrist at him to get rid of him with magic when he held his hands up. "I'm here to negotiate." I slowly let my hand drop to my side.

     "Why?" I snapped. He looked me dead in the eye.

     "I'm keeping Samantha Verona. I love her."

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