Chapter 23

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I tapped my foot on the floor impatiently as the elevator lifted me up. Amy told me about it and I was like "WHAT WE HAVE AN ELEVATOR!?" So yeah, now I don't waste my breath working out on a gazillion stairs. As soon as the door opened, I was bombarded by my friends.

"Samantha where were you!? There was a cat in your room, but it ran away!" Amy exclaimed. I grinned sheepishly. Right, so it wasn't a dream. Dangit.

"I was talking to this person." I waved behind me where Adam was.

"Sup?" We all laughed while Ashlyn and Wildstar pulled me out of the elevator. Adam, Amy and Nathan followed, still chuckling.

"So did you see the cat?" I quietly asked Wildstar. She shook her head.

"No, me and Ashlyn were updating some stories." She explained. "Why?"

"It was me." I admitted. Ashlyn looked slightly confused, so I briefed her over how I was part cat. "And you can't tell anyone." I finished. They both nodded.


"Hey." Wildstar said suddenly. "Did ya ever see that rap battle between Bill Nye and Isaac Newton?"

"Oh my gawd, that was hilarious!" I practically jumped up and down. Ashlyn gave me a look that was like "Are you ten or something?" I just smirked at her. "Haters gonna hate."

"I wasn't hating!" She protested. I just laughed and bopped her on the head.

"I know you weren't. I was just trolling you." The two started talking about that video, so I slipped back to Adam's side.

"Ya know, I saw that cat." He admitted. I tensed automatically.

"Really? When?" I managed to ask.

"Next to the dorms. It was the cat I was chasing when I found you unconscious." He paused and looked over at. I took a deep breath and prepared for the worst. "Hey, do you like cats?" I practically bit my tongue in relief.

"Absolutely. I love cats. They're probably my favorite animal." Phew, he didn't question me. "I also hate squids." I decided to add, knowing that would easily change the topic.

"I know right!? They're so derpy and stupid!" Nailed it.

"Adam!" Wildstar yelled. "I challenge you to a rap battle!" He looked flabbergasted.

"Who de what now?" He asked.

"A rap battle! Come here and I'll show you an example." Adam jogged over to where Wildstar and Ashlyn were with their phones. While they made fun of each other, I picked up Amy and Nathan's conversation.

"So who's cat do you think that was?" Shoot, bad idea.

"I think it was a stray." Amy replied. "It didn't have a collar." I mentally facepalmed over the dilemma. I slowed down and let them walk past me. Should I tell them it was me?

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