Chapter 12

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     "Kawaii desu on wat?" I turned around to see Ty sleepily stumble down the stairs, tripping on the last one and faceplanting. Adam and I both applauded.

     "G.G., Bro." Adam praised.

     "Yeah, I nailed it." He picked himself up and wandered over to me. "Please feed meh..." He whined. I rolled my eyes before giving him the eggs. He snatched them and ran off, with Adam after him as someone knocked on the door. Shaking my head in mock despair, I hopped over to the door and opened it to see Taylor (Antvenom), Jason and Tyler.

     "They're playing tag with some scrambled eggs I made." I greeted them, stepping back and letting them in.

      "Oh, that explains a lot." Tyler agreed. I laughed.

     "Yeah, they're crazy, and I have to deal with them everyday."

     "Welcome to our world." He responded in his Auntie Janet voice. It was Jason's turn to laugh.

     "Yeah, but we gotta record with dem, so we put up with them."

     "Wow, Jason, I feel so wanted" Adam peeked out from behind the couch.

     "What did you do to Ty?" I asked. Ty slowly revealed himself from behind Adam, signaling to be quiet.

     "ADAM!!!!!" He screamed in his ear. Adam let out a girly scream and fell onto the floor.

     "Wow..." Taylor tried to say, but trailed off, chuckling. I waved my hands at the scene.

     "Ya see? Dealing with everyday." Adam's head poked back up from behind the couch, giving me a teasing glare.

     "Oh yeah? Well what about Ty? He's your boyfriend." he pointed out.

     "What? Your dating Ty?" Jason piped up.

     "Yep." Adam continued before I could answer. "They're love birds."

     "ADAM DAHLBERG!" I yelled, blushing hard. He looked over at me innocently.


     "You know wut."

     "Well it's true. You and Ty were hugging each other in your sleep and-" Ty jumped on top of Adam before he could continue. "OK OK, I FAN I FAN!" He screamed, falling down and bringing Ty with him. The four of us facepalmed at the same time as Adam and Ty started tickling each other.

     "NU, TY DON'T DO DIS!"


    "Ok, break it up guys." I tried not to laugh as they separated themselves from each other, shooting playful glares. "If you didn't notice, you have a career job to do."

     "Aww! But I don't wanna work." Ty whined. I smirked at him. "... Ok, I do." He admitted.

     "Uh huh." I clicked my tongue as they headed to the door.

     Jason and Taylor were trying to keep a straight face as Ty muttered "Yes, mother." I pulled him back to me and gave him a fake glare.

     "Watchu call meh?" I grinned. Ty gave a pretended scared look, leaning in and pecking me on the forehead.

     "I called you cute?" I shook my head.

     "Nope, you called me something else."




     "I am, aren't I? But that's not what you said."

     "Are you sure?"

     "Of course, I-" He cut me off with a passionate kiss that lasted for a few seconds. After he broke away, I pretended to look like I was thinking.

     "Hmmm, now that I think about it, what you say could be true." I noticed that the others were making puppy eyes. "Oh, fine, you get away with dis for now." I shoved Ty at Adam, who once again was the closest as he yelped in surprise.

     "Why me?" He complained.

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