Chapter 10

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     "Samantha hurry up! We'll be late at this rate." Ty called up the stairs. I made sure that my waterfall braid was decent enough before opening Ty's door. His jaw dropped when he saw me.

     "What?" I questioned. I was wearing a black sparkly dress, with my bangs in black laced bows pulled to the sides, which made the cat ears look like part of a headband with ribbon. "It's too plain, isn't it?" I grumbled as I walked down the stairs. I don't like being very fashionable, or girly, so that's the best he was getting.

     "You look like a princess." I noticed he was blushing too. I smiled and looked away from him. He took my hand.

     "Ready?" He asked. I looked back at him and nodded.

*****Le Time Skip of Nightcore*****

     We had just entered the building when I was tackled.

     "You made it!" Taylor, Amy, and Nathan exclaimed. I laughed and pulled away from them, ducking behind Ty.

     "C'mon, you're with me aren't you? Halp me from these hungry beasts!" I complained to Ty. He stepped to the side with a smirk on his face.

     "Nah. Just because you're my girlfriend doesn't mean I have to help you." I stuck my tongue out at him when Amy burst out, "WHAT!? YOU TWO ARE DATING! WHY DOES NO ONE TELL ME THESE THINGS!?" "Ok. Amy, me and Ty are dating." I said plainly.

     "OMA GAWD, I'M SO FUDGIN' PROUD OF YOU!" She screamed. I gave her a stern look.

     "How many cookies did you have today?"

     "I DON'T KNOW!" ( >^< )


     "Not enough..." I facepalmed.

     "Taylor, why did you let her have cookies?" She grinned guiltily.

     "It was Nathan's fault." She pointed to Nathan, who threw his hands up in the air as if to say "I give up."

     "Yeah, blame me. I see how it works, so I'm gonna go find Dan." He whirled around and disappeared into the collage of college students. Amy and Taylor dashed off to the food court, leaving me and Ty to head into the cafeteria, where the music was playing. 'Endstone' by our special Canadian friend (BajanCanadian) had just started playing. Igor was the DJ as everyone grabbed a partner to dance with. Ty turned to me.

     "May I have the honors?" He asked. I nodded, and he placed his hand on my waist as I rested my hand on his shoulders. We were about halfway through the song when Ty leaned in and kissed me. My stomach fluttered and I kissed him back before we kept slow dancing.

     After the song ended, we headed to the food court to see if all the cookies were gone. Amy had a variety of them in her hands, and her face looked like a chipmunk. Meanwhile, Taylor and Nathan were facepalming, while Bodil was giggling like a little girl (No offense Bodil).

     "I should've known." I moaned, following Taylor and Nathan's action. Ty raised an eyebrow.

     "What is it with her and cookies?" He asked. I quickly covered his mouth before he could ask anymore ridiculous questions.

     "Don't ask. Just don't." I answered weakly. He ripped my hand off of his mouth and gave me a pouty face.

     "Nyah." He grinned.

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