Chapter 11

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3rd POV (Showing forshadowing trouble :3)

A knock on the door made Felix look up.

"Come in." He called out cheerfully. The door opened to reveal Professor Primus and Professor Gleeon, the Professor of Wattpad. Felix sat up straight. "Hello, what are you two doing here?" He questioned. The two Professors' exchanged a knowing glance.

"There has been an... error, with one of your students, Professor Felix." Professor Gleeon finally said.

"What are you talking about?"

"It wasn't supposed to be Samantha Verona who was supposed to transfer here, but instead Hailey Nightsong." Felix tipped his head.

"But Ms Verona is an excellent student!" He protested. Professor Gleeon shook his head and dropped a booklet on Felix's desk. It had a 100% circled on the top of the page.

"She may know more than Hailey, but she isn't a YouTuber."

"Then let her stay." Felix begged. "Let them both stay." Professor Gleeon sighed.

"... She has a week. Hailey is coming over tommorow." He finally said. Both of the Professors then turned and left Felix staring after them in defeat.

Normal POV

"NO!" I screamed and woke up sobbing. That dream... It keeps scaring me. I was still breathing heavily when the door opened and Ty slipped in the bedroom, rushing over to me and hugging me.

"Hey, it's ok." he soothed. "It was just a dream." I cried into his shoulder for a few minutes before finally calming down. After that, we just sat there, still hugging. I started getting tired again, so I leaned against Ty. He toyed with my hair gently as I slipped back into sleep.

*****Le time... Skip of... zzzz...*****

I woke up still lying against Ty, who was leaning against the wall and still asleep. I slowly pulled out of his embrace and tiptoed downstairs to see Adam snoring loudly on the couch. It me a few minutes to not laugh at the sight before I went to the kitchen. I whipped up a few scrambled eggs when I heard a groan. I turned around to see Adam stretching, a tuft of hair sticking. I scoffed at him.

"Wut?" He asked sleepily. I shook my head as someone knocked on the door. Bodil peeked in grinning like a madman.

"Martin, what did you do?" I asked sternly, using his real name for effect.

"Nut an. Just got a roommate that's a girl." He stepped to the side to reveal a young girl with brown hair to her neck.

"Hi." She said shyly. I waved, offering the plate of food.

"Eggs?" I offered. She shook her head.

"Martin's taking me out to eat." Her eyes shined as she said that. I had a feeling that she had a slight crush on someone. "By the way, my name's Hailey." She called before they left, leaving me and Adam alone. We both looked at each other and blurted "KAWAII DESU!"

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