Chapter 25

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     We all waited in suspended silence as Wildstar announced her dare.

     "You have to sing 'Playing Minecraft' Lindee Link." I sighed in relief. I thought she was gonna make me sing Wrecking Ball! I took a deep breath and began to sing the lyrics:

I log on tonight to mine and build
And maybe find those diamonds i've been searching for
So while you're here with me,
Let's make the most of the night cause we're playing minecraft
Cause we're playing minecraft
Cause we're playing minecraft

Let's make the most of the night cause we're playing minecraft

Let's make the most of the night cause we're playing minecraft

Young Steves, crazy noobs
Running from some enderman
Wild boar, tastes so good
Getting XP just like we should
Dont care what we're doing as long as its fun (You know)
This house that we got nobody can touch (For Sure)

Looking for some servers tonight
Come with me, I'll show you my whole,pad
Like it's the last night of our lives
We'll keep playing till we die

I log on tonight to mine and build
and maybe find those diamonds i've been searching for
So while you're here with me,
Let's make the most of the night cause we're playing minecraft

Cause we're playing minecraft
Cause we're playing minecraft

Let's make the most of the night cause we're playing minecraft

Let's make the most of the night cause we're playing minecraft

Young Steves, crazy noobs
Running from some enderman
Wild boar, tastes so good
Getting XP just like we should
Dont care what we're doing as long as its fun (You know)
This house that we got nobody can touch (For Sure)

Looking for some servers tonight
Come with me, I'll show you my whole,pad
Like it's the last night of our lives
We'll keep playing till we die

I log on tonight to mine and build
And maybe find those diamonds i've been searching for
So while you're here with me,
Let's make the most of the night cause we're playing minecraft

I log on tonight to mine and build
And maybe find those diamonds i've been searching for
So while you're here with me,
Let's make the most of the night cause we're playing minecraft

cause we're playing minecraft
cause we're playing minecraft

Let's make the most of the night cause we're playing minecraft

     "There, ya happy?" I scoffed. I hate my singing voice. They were staring at me in awe, so I clapped my hands together. "Stormyskies!" I chirped cheerfully. "Truth or Dare?"

     "Dare..." She said cautiously.

     "Let's hear Wrecking Ball."

*****Le time skip of Miley Cyrus*****

     "Wildstar!" Stormyskies yelled after she finished singing. She tiptoed to Wildstar and whispered something in her ear.

     "Here?" She responded, surprised. Stormyskies shrugged, and they both ran out of the room.

     "... Ok, that was wierd." Tyler commented.

     "Yeah... Dan, Truth or Dare?" I asked.

     "Dare, I suppose."

     "Call football soccer instead of the normal British way." he gave me a playful glare.

     "... Duuuuhh." He sighed. "Soccer is not football."

     "Good, go get yourself a cookie from the cookie jar in the kitchen." I praised.

     "Cookies!?" Amy perked up.

     "I just might do that. You know what? I'm doing it." Then Dan got up and left for the kitchen, with Amy dodging past him.

     "Nuuu! My cookies!" She wailed.

     "Brotato, Truth or Dare?" I asked half heartedly. It needs to be someone else's turn.

     "Truth!" He decided.

     "What is a Brotato?" He gasped exaggeratedly.

     "How dare you not know what a Brotato is! A brotato is a really good friend that is a dude. They are also my subscribers." He narrowed his eyes, which made me hug Jason's arm, since he was sitting at my side opposite of Adam.

     "Jason, I'm startled." I murmured. He just laughed at me as I yawned sleepily.

     "Alright, I think that's enough for one night. Samantha, you look exhausted." I just yawned again and slumped against him when Wildstar and Stormyskies burst into the room.

     "Alright, here it is!" Wildstar announced. She loaded up a video on her phone, which connected to the tv. It loaded to show two dragons fighting, at one point one dragged the other by the tail. I pointed to the one who had dragged the other by the tail.

     "I'm rooting for that one." I announced. Wildstar did some sort of pouty face while Stormyskies elbowed her in the ribs.

     "That one could win too." Hailey protested quietly, pointing to the other one. I noticed Wildstar give Stormyskies a satisfied smirk that made me chuckle. In the end of the video, it was a tie.

     "Well." Ty began, yawning. "Night ya'll."

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