Chapter 5

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     "WAKE UP PERSON I DON"T KNOW!" I fell off of the couch to see Ty and another guy high fiving.

     "Tyyyyyyyy..." I whined. He smirked at me.

     "Hey, at least I didn't let Tyler throw a bucket of water on you." I widened my eyes at two things. One, this was MunchingBrotato beside Deadlox. Two, a bucket of water!? Ty gave me a sly grin as I jumped up on my feet to chase him. He weaved through the dorm doors, seeming to know where he was going. I sprinted after him, catching him in a few bounds.

     "Ooh, Ty has met his match." Tyler drawled as Ty rolled on the ground. I jumped back as Ty hopped back up, clearing his throat and brushing off dust from his white t-shirt.

     "Anyways." Ty began. "You have two mentors in this College. Me as your teacher, and our overall Sensei, PewDiePie." I nodded, but inside I was freaking out. The PewDiePie? My teacher, as well as Ty? Great, how many more surprises will I get today?... And it's only the morning!

     "What do I learn first?" I asked, steeling my nerves.

     "Recording advance tips. You'll need your account for this."


     "What's wrong?" I bit my lip.

     "Can we practice humor?" I improvised. Ty frowned, tipping his head.

     "... Fine." He finally agreed. I almost sighed in relief when he added, "If we're playing Truth or Dare to test your extremeties for humor, then I better get Adam in on this.' My heart sunk as he and Tyler left. Why, Truth or Dare, of all things? Well... if they want extreme, then I guess I'll have to do dares.

     Ty came back, alone, as he strode over to the fridge and snagged a glass of milk, handing to me.

     "... Thanks?" I took a sip. It tasted sweet and thick, nothing like milk. i wrinkled my nose and pulled away, seting on the counter despite its taste. "What's in it?" I asked. He smiled like a boy that was caught doing something disobedient.

     "100 ground coffee beans and lots of sugar." I gaped at him.

     "What's it for?" I asked rapidly.

     "Hyperactivity. It makes you act more rash and crazy."

     "So you're drugging me to turn me into a daredevil?" I started tapping my foot. Great, it's already in effect.

     "Yep." He smirked. "That exactly."

*****Le time skip of caffine*****

     "I-Ian- TRUTH OR DARE." I yelled. Ty had made a HUGE mistake of letting me drink the rest, AndNowI'mSoHyperThatMyWordsAreCloseToRunningIntoEachOther.

     "DARE!" He shouted back. I gave him a sinister smirk. "Gimme yo glasses!" He gave me a sad face before handing them over. I put them on, with pleasure, and pulled out mah phone. A selfie with '#IStoleIan'sGlasses' Went on his Instagram. Smirking, I put my phone up and folded my arms as he scowled at me.

     "Alright, Sammantha, Truth or DARE?" He demanded. I giggled, adjusting the Sunglasses on mah face.

     "DARE." I said dramatically.

     "You have to kiss Mr. Deadlox." Silence. My face was starting to burn up, and I noticed that Ty was turning red. Finally, he got up and jogged up the stairs to his bedroom, the door slamming shut.

     "Ok... uh, Adam, hug her." Ian said randomly. Adam scooted over to me and gave me a quick hug with a pat on the back before glaring back at Ian.

     "This doesn't count as cheating, right?" He asked. Ian shook his head.

     "Naw. Besides, everyone knows that you and Alesa are meant for each other." Adam muttered something under his breath before jogging to the kitchen. Jason, aka. MinecraftUniverse, Bodil (BODIL40), and Tyler just sat in awkward silence. Then Dan (TheDiamondMinecart) coughed to break the silence.

     "Well, I think it's getting late, so..." He said in his british accent. Jason nodded in agreement before getting up and waving bye with Tyler. Eventually, everyone left, except for Adam and me (of course, cuz I now live here).

     "Im' a check on Ty." I said awkwardly before climbing the stairs. At the top, I knocked on the golden brown wooded door. "Ty?" I asked softly. The door swung open and revealed Ty.

     "What?" He grunted. I shrugged.

     "I... I just w-wanted to check on you, make sure you were ok." I stammered. He glared at me.

     "I'm fine." Then he closed the door, leaving me alone on the stairs.

     "Guys sometimes." I muttered under my breath, plodding down the stairs. Adam was slipping his coat on when I reached the bottom of the stairs.

     "So how is he?" He asked. His voice was edged with concerned. I shrugged, not noticing my hoodie partially fall.

     "As grumpy as a badger." I muttered. He laughed before waving bye and shutting the door behind him. I stared at the staircase before sighing and sitting down on the first step. My mind was being overwhelmed with everything going on, and the secrets I had to hide.

     I was close to nodding off when I heard footsteps down the stairs.

     "Are you planning on sleeping here?" Ty asked, squatting down to meet my eye level. I blinked out the sleepiness in my eyes before turning away from him. "Hey..." he brushed a strand of hair out of my face. "At least get some rest properly." Then he picked me up and hauled me up the stairs to his room, setting me on his small bed.

     "What about you?" I asked drowsily. He shrugged.

     "I have recording to do, and the only computor is downstairs." He was about to turn when he suddenly froze. "What's on your head?" I quickly threw my hoodie back to its origional place, but it was too late. "Why are you wearing cat ears?"

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