Chapter 15

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     I sat up with a gasp, my heart hammering at the jumpscare I received. I thought I was gonna die... I now truly hate the Marionette/Puppet.

     "Success!" A different guy stepped out of the shadows, with the first one trailing behind him with his head bowed. The guy who had spoken clapped his hands together in excitement.

     "Oh, yes. We will make millions! We'll make Felix look like nothing compared to this." The guy started ranting on about how they could be famous, so I peered at the guy who's face was shadowed. He was too well hidden, but was a little bit taller than the ranting guy. I widened my eyes as I realized who it was when the other guy stopped ranting.

     "Since it works, we don't need her anymore. Find a way to get rid of her." The guy who looks familiar took of the clipped wires and pulled me out of the chair. I let him drag me outside since I was still in shock. He pulled me into an alley, glancing behind me to see if anyone was behind him. He slowly pulled out a serum, which resulted in me starting to struggle in his grasp.

     "Let go of me!" I snapped. He shook his head.

     "He'll kill you himself if you're wandering about. I can't allow you to be killed."

     "Then what's that?" I nodded to the serum.

     "Something that will keep you safe." He pulled my wrist to him and pricked it with the needle (NUUUUUU, I HATE NEEDLES!!!!!!!!). I started feeling tired and dizzy as the world spun. I started falling, but he caught me before I hit the ground.

     "Nice ears by the way." He murmured before I passed out.

Ty's POV (what whaaaaat?)

     "Sammy?" I opened the door, peeking in the living room. I'm in big trouble probably, since I stayed overnight at Jason's with Adam and Taylor. But she wasn't there. "Ello?" I quickly climbed the stairs to see if she was in my room. Nada. I pulled out my phone and dialed Adam.

     "Oi?" He asked.

     "She's not here."



     "You sure she didn't ditch you?" I rolled my eyes.

     "Positive. Her stuff is still here."

     "Well... I'll help look for her, I guess."

     "Thanks. It means a lot to me."

     "How much do you like her?"

     "Keep true to the topic!" I snapped.

     "I am Ty, how much?"

     "... Very." I admitted. "Now can we please go find her?"

     "Yep!" I quickly hung up on him before dialing another number.

     "Yellow!?" I ignored Felix's cheerfulness.

     "Samantha's missing."

     "What?" I could hear the disbelief in his voice, reflecting my feelings.

     "Her stuff is here, and it looks like she hasn't been here all morning, perhaps all night."


     "When did you last see her?"

     "Yesterday afternoon, but it's all my fault!" I looked at the phone in confusion before holding to my ear again.

     "How is it your fault?"

     "I told her about her misenrollment, and when she left, she was crying-" He broke off with a cough before continuing. "It has to be my fault. I should've told her more slowly. It's just that I've been so stressed, what with the missing programs and computer equipment and-"

     "Misenrollment? Missing equipment?" I echoed.

     "Yes, and they stole data about radio signals that change what the brain sees from Professor Feelwickinson (1. I pull these names out of an imaginary hat. 2. He's the medic biology teacher). With the right software and equipment, they could make gaming come to life, and make a ripoff from our idea."

     "They? Who's they?"

     "No one knows. Anyone who sees them goes missing."

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