Chapter 24

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     The worse part about keeping a secret... Is knowing what could happen if they found out. You can feel the lies clawing at your conscience, sharper than a rat's teeth and claws. The guilty part is, only two of my friends know, and Ty doesn't. I only told Ashlyn and Wildstar because I thought it would make the guilt go away, make the pain fade into nothing. Boy was I wrong.

     I've been sitting in our room for the rest of the day, wishing the secret away. But I know it won't work. No matter how hard I try... never.

Mitch's POV (Aw, snap!)

     I leaned against the bunk bed, banging my head against it every so often. Why did I kiss her? I shouldn't have done that, but she looked so sad that Ty was late... It made me want to protect her. I'm so messed up.

     "Mitch, Jason and Adam brought sushi." Jerome poked me on the head. I quickly went into my normal hyper mood.

     "SUSHI!!" I yelled, running past him. Yep, I'm just really crazy.

Normal POV (Yeah, I'm going ham on dem POV's today)

     I knock on the door made me look up from my guilt mourn moment to see Hailey.

     "Hailey?" I questioned, getting up in a sitting position. "What are you doing here, it's been forever since I've seen ya (True Story.)." She shrugged and pulled me up from my seat by the hand.

     "We're all playing Truth or Dare. Amy, Nathan, Adam, Wildstar, Ty, Martin-"

     "Hang on." I interrupted. "How are you and Bodil?" I managed to catch a blush before she looked away, smiling.

     "... He's asked me out once or twice to a movie." She admitted. I squealed for the first time in my life and clapped my hands.

     "I'M SO PROUD OF YOU GURL!" I screamed. "You two are such a cute couple!" She started laughing.

     "You think so?"

     "Absolutely." I pulled her down the stairs to see Amy, Nathan, Wildstar, Ashlyn, Ty and Ian. I waved my index finger at Ian. "Be nice and I might not steal your sunglasses again." He gave me a "I'm really scared, so I'm just gonna walk away..." look and scooted back from his spot on the floor. The door was knocked on, so I sprinted over a few people to get it. I opened the door a crack and peeked through it. "Yesh?" I asked innocently. Adam scoffed.

     "You know us, don't you?"

     "I dunno. Do I?" I challenged, stepping back and allowing them in. Ty patted me on the head and gave me a thumbs up as Jason, Martin, Adam, Mitch, Jerome, Stormyskies, Jordan, Igor, Dan, Quentin, Taylor (AntVenom shall be Taylor 1), Taylor (SkrillexIsAwesome shall be Taylor 2) and Tyler filed into the room and took their seats on the floor. Amy clapped her hands together, grinning evilly.

     "Lez do dis!" She announced. "Ty, Truth or Dare?"

     "Hmmmmm... Truth." He decided.

     "What kind of hair product do you use?" Ty clamped his hands over his hair as if it would blow of at the slightest breeze.

     "That would be a secret to my hair and my hair alone." He protested.

     "Then... you have to listen to Justin Beiber, As Long As You Love Me."

     "What the- ok, fine!" He snapped. He jogged up the stairs, where the only stereo was located, as Amy called out "Crank it up so we can hear it!" After a few seconds, we heard Justin Beiber singing. We laughed all the way through the song when Ty started doing his cat like singing (no offense meant at all).

     Ty came down from upstairs and made his way to his spot, his face a deep shade of red. He made no comment, but instead muttered "Sammy, Truth or Dare?" I smirked.

     "Dare?" I asked oh so boldly (*holds a sarcasm sign up*).

     "You have to pretend to be an animal until you ask someone else a question." I thought for a moment, concentrating on speaking cat before I said "Mrrow? (OK?)" Everyone laughed.

     "Wow Samantha, you sound like a real cat!" Amy exclaimed. I started giving myself a cat bath while saying "Meow Mrow? (Ian, Truth or Dare?)" I pointed to Ian with my free hand.

     "..... Dare?" He asked. I grinned sinisterly.

     "Give Ty your sunglasses." He gave me a fake sniff before passing the sunglasses to Ty, who eagerly snatched them.

     "Aw, I look boss." He crowed.

     "Alright Hailey, Truth or Dare?" Ian interrupted, stopping Ty's boasting.

     "D-Dare." She stammered.

     "Kiss your Bulgarian boyfriend." She turned a deep pink blush as we chanted "Kiss, kiss!" She scooted over to Bodil who wasn't far off and pecked him on the cheek. They both blushed.

     "S-Samantha, Truth or-or Dare?"

     "Uhmmmm, Dare I guess..."

     "It's your turn to kiss your boyfriend." Everyone went "Awwwww!" as I crawled over to Ty and kissed him on the cheek before darting back to my spot, only to find that Adam stole it. I put my hands on my hips.


     "Yes?" He gave me an innocent look.

     "Truth or Dare?"


     "Gimme mah seat back and go give me twenty push ups." I ignored his protests. "No buts." He sighed and dragged himself in front of the couch, beginning his twenty while I smirked and reclaimed my place on the floor. As soon as he finished, he stumbled back to his original spot.

     "Wildstar-*wheeze*- Truth or-"

     "DARE!!!!" everyone jumped back in surprise while Stormyskies facepalmed at her sister's outburst.

     "How about that rap battle?"

     "Oh, no...!" I moaned smiling.

*****Le time skip of Someone Needs To Come Up With Some Lyrics To This Battle...*****

     We all applauded after Adam finished, completely out of breath.

     "Ok-*Wheeze*- Wildstar wins. Gyah." He gasped.

     "Hey at least you're getting the workout you need." I offered. I just smiled at him when he glared at me.

     "Samantha, Truth or Dare?" Wildstar asked.

     "Jeez, do you guys hate me or something?... Dare." I complained. Wildstar smirked sinisterly and rubbed her hands together. Oh no, what is she up to...

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