Chapter 40

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I stumbled back a few steps, gaping in stupidity.

"WHAT!?" I squawked. "You love Samantha? Samantha Verona?" Herobrine dipped his head.

"Naw, I just said that for effect- OF COURSE I MEAN WHAT I SAID!" And here I was, muttering about sarcasm. This is what normal humans call a coincidence. Or a Sherlock Holmes moment. (Love that movie)

"But what about her? What bargain?" I questioned, noticing my hand start to warm. It only happens when I'm angry, summoning fire.

"If you come after me and her." He skipped the first question. "Then someone's gonna get hurt."

"You wouldn't hurt Samantha." I clenched my teeth.

"Then don't push me." He sprinted past me and jumped out the window at the speed of light, teleporting at the last second. I sighed angrily and punched my desk in frustration, shattering it to pieces. that no good, smirking weasel moron-

A knock on the door made me whip around.

"WHAT?" I snarled. Ian and the others took a step back, confused.

"Did you get mauled? Or raided?" Tyler nodded to the shattered desk. "That'll need repairing."

"NO DER SHERLOCK!" I yelled. He blinked a few times, surprised and hurt.

"Seto, the fire." I glanced down at my hands to see the purple flames licking the fingertips. I sighed and clenched my fists, taking out the flames.

"Sory." I muttered. Dan took a few steps forward.

"Well- what happened?" He asked. I glared at him.

"Herobrine." I growled. "He thinks that he loves Samantha." Several gasps echoed through the room. I kept clenching and unclenching my hands, making sure they stayed flameless.

"If anything, it's just a crush, right?" Jerome asked. I lowered my unwavering gaze with a sigh.

"I don't know. I just don't know." I muttered.

"So what are we gonna do?" I looked up at Taylor.

"I only need one more day to gather enough energy for the portal. Herobrine can't leave this dimension until I summon the portal." I brought my hand up to my face and summoned a tiny flame, which danced about my palm. "Just because he's immortal in Minecraftia doesn't mean that he's immortal here." I crushed the flame, looking back up at the others. "Herobrine is absolutely not getting away with this."

Samantha's POV

I strained my eyes open to see two pure white eyes.

"Hello, Samantha Verona. It's a pleasure to meet you at last." He held his hand out to me, and I hesitantly took it. He helped me to my feet.

"Wh-where I am I?" I glanced around at the whispering of the trees' leaves, the wind sighing in my ear as a butterfly danced past me. I chuckled and lifted my hand to the monarch butterfly. To my surprise, it perched on my index. Herobrine watched me with a quiet smile on his face.

"Just in the forest." I watched the butterfly beat its wings softly against my skin before swooping into the air, disappearing out of sight. The beauty in the environment made me forget everything, even that this was the man who had kidnapped the ones I loved.

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