Chapter 8

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     Ty's been pretty distant lately. I don't know what's up with him. As soon as we got back from Professor's- sorry, Felix's- office, he hasn't talked to me. He hasn't updated videos, he hasn't eaten anything- he has'nt even talked to Adam. That's when I know for sure something's up.

     I shook my head out of my thoughts as the chicken sizzled on the pan. I quickly saved it from getting burnt and plopped it on the wide plate.

     "Adam! Ty! It's ready!" I called out. Adam jogged down the stairs as I set the plate down on the living room table. I looked at Adam questioningly as he plopped down in his seat. He shook his head.

     "He's still staring at the wall." He confirmed. I sighed impatiently and headed to Ty's room. "Where are you going?"

     "To talk to him." I threw over my shoulder as I hopped up the stairs. I softly knocked on the door. "Ty?" I asked quietly. To my surprise, Ty opened the door and gave me a questioning look. "You've been hiding in your room long enough. It's time you-" He cut off my words and threw me off with a hug. I just stood there, surprised at the gesture, before hugging him back. "Will you at least eat something? I'm bringing it up." He pulled back.

     "Fine." He grumbled. I sprinted down the stairs and grabbed the plate. Fortunately, Adam managed to stuff a piece of chicken in his mouth before I did so. I grinned at his appearance, which was similar to a chipmunk's, and brought the plate into Ty' room. He gave me puppy eyes as I sat down on his bed next to him.

     "What?" I asked. He glanced at the chicken before his gaze slid back to me. "Oh, for the love of budder." I muttered, pulling a fork out from my hands' grasp. I stabbed a small piece of chicken and fed it to him. Slowly, the chicken disappeared. "You're helpless." I decided as I gave him the last piece. He grinned.

     "Doe M Oth." He tried to speak. I rolled my eyes as he swallowed the last bit. "But that was good." He announced, leaning forward and pecking me on the cheek. I blushed and stared down at the plate.

     "So, uhm, about the kiss..." I tried to say, but trailed off and blushed harder. He poked my shoulder.

     "Are you asking if, we're like, together now or something?" I nodded my head shakily and looked back up at him.

     "Are we?" I questioned. "Because I don't know." I gazed into his eyes as he rested his hand on my shoulder, leaning closer to me.

     "With your permission, of course." A warm glow spread through me.

     "Yes." I whispered, leaning to him. We met, and I forgot about everything. My problems, friends, and surroundings seemed to vanish as the kiss sparked with emotion. I really like Ty, and now he's with me. Wait 'till Amy hears about this... (COUGH! Please keep the 4th wall intact, Aurora.)

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