Chapter 37

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Ian's POV

     Samantha's sentence  cut off as her eyes glazed over, staring off into the distance. I snapped my fingers in front off her face. She didn't blink.

     "I think she's in shock." Seto decided, taking her out of Mitch's embrace. Mitch gave him some sort of death glare as Seto carefully dragged Samantha back to my car. I shrugged off the look and followed them, getting into the drivers side of my car.

     "Let's get her home, ok?" Seto shut the passenger's side's door, walking back to Dan's car as I made sure the doors were locked. Samantha had closed her eyes and fallen asleep as I pulled back onto the road. After a few miles, she started muttering "Ender... Brine, Wither... Hero..." over and over. I hit a speed bump, sending Samantha slumping against me. I would have pushed her back so she wouldn't hit her head on something when she hugged my arm. She murmured something incoherent as I pulled the car into a parking space.

     "Samantha." I gently nudged her. She gripped my arm tighter. I sighed and slowly reached over to her side, managing to pick her up. I kicked the door open, shutting it behind me. How much did Samantha eat? She was light. I carried her up the stairs and to my dorm, not waiting for the others to catch up.e

     I made it to my couch and set down the unconscious teenager, who had finally let go of my arm. She looked kind of innocent in her sleep, but that's naive thinking.

Samantha's POV

    "Donde esta Herobrine?" I muttered, marveling at the huge waterfall. I heard a whooshing sound, and I turned to see someone slightly familiar, at least, compared to his skin. He had a Steve outfit though, only having his amulet and sunglasses.

     "Adam?" I ran to him as he stared blankly ahead. He slowly turned me and gruffly replied

     "Who's Adam?" He pulled off his sunglasses and dropped them, not even flinching when they cracked.

     "A-Adam-" I stammered. He gave me a sharp glare with his budder colored eyes.

     "My name is Skybrine.." He sounded a little confused as he said that. Was he questioning himself? I took a step towards him, placing my blocky hand on his shoulder.

     "Adam-p-please-" He shrugged off my hand and ran to the cliff, jumping off before flying into the blood red sunset. I slowly picked up the broken sunglasses, falling apart on the inside.

          "Who are you, mortal, if Skybrine spared you?" No. Nonono, I know that voice too... I turned to see a very familiar Minecraft skin. Well, sort of. His clothes were stained darker, he had fangs, purple not green headphones, wings and tail.

     "T-Ty?" I gasped. He yawned, his fangs flashing devilishly in the dark.

     "Really, I prefer Enderlox." He stretched his wings before shooting upwards at dizzying speed, taking my breath away as her disappeared behind the canopy of tree leaves. What's next, WitherMU?

     "Hello!" A cheerful voice made me spin around to see someone in a spacesuit.

     "Jason!?" I exclaimed, running to him. He shakily held his hands up in front of his face.

     "K-keep back." He stammered. "I don't wanna hurt you, whoever you are." His words echoed through my hearing. Whoever you are... My surroundings began to fade as Jason repeated his words.

     "Whoever you are... Whoever... are... you... Back... Keep... Keep back..." Darkness crashed my sight, and I lost my senses.

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