Chapter 44

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     Herobrine threw his weapon like a harpoon, which I deflected with my own. He came towards me with a hook punch. I went to the side and threw him past me, his inertia keeping him going. I kicked him on the back, sending him sprawling. An image of my dream flickered into my mind. It couldn't happen, I wouldn't let it.

     Herobrine flew toward me with a jab, catching me on the cheek. I spun to the ground, rolling with the blow before hopping back up. He came at me with another jab when I flicked my make-do rapier to smack his hand away. To my expectancy, he used his other hand to swipe the weapon away, now in his hand.

     He raised it to deliver a powerful blow on my head, but he never got to it. I karate chopped his neck, giving him a gag reflex. He dropped the stick and stumbled back, wheezing. I noticed my tail was flicking back and forth beside me, awaiting his next move.

     "I... I can't do this." He rasped. "Not to you." I stared him hard in the eye.

     "Then you'll loose me and have to give the guys back." I shrugged unsympathetically. Truthfully, I just wanted to practice my ninja and baritsu.

     He struggled to his weapon, which I allowed. Then he sat still for a moment, catching his breath. Or pretending to.

     He abruptly whirled on his heel, catching me on the arm and throwing me to the other side of the clearing. I winced as a line of blood formed on my skin. I stood up, winded while trying to assess the damage done. None of the main arteries are destroyed, so that's good. I stumbled back to Herobrine, pretending to be really hurt. His eyes flickered with concern, until I fell down to my knees and punched him in the patella. He let out an inhuman scream and fell over, panting at the excruciating pain. I had fractured it.

     I now stood over him as Seto began chanting something softly.

     "It's over." I murmured to Herobrine, leaning down and staring him in the eyes. "I won." He struggled to sit up.

     "No!" He gasped weakly. "I can't... I can't loose! I can't loose you." I sighed.

     "You never had me in the first place though..." My attention turned to Seto, who had finished chanting. "Now I'm sure you belong back in the Nether, and Ty, Adam and Jason belong here." Seto snapped his eyes open and shouted the last part of the spell, the wind picking up in a lingering way. Obsidian started to break the surface of the green earth nearby my feet as I stood up. The portal slowly rose to its full height, towering over me as purple particles entwined in my hair before dissolving into thin air. It was calling for me to go.

     I turned around right as Herobrine tripped me. I fell backwards clumsily, into the portal while screaming in surprise.

     "Help me!" I wailed, the environment slowly fading to violet light.

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