Chapter 21

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The Professors allowed me and Ty to stay together, so I didn't leave his side for a day. I denied all food and water offered to me. I only wanted him to be back to normal again. There's this saying that I picked up a long time ago, but I never thought that I would repeat it to show my affection:

1 Universe, 9 planets, 204 countries, 809 islands, 7 seas, and I had the privilege to meet and fall in love with you.

A knock on the door made me weakly lift my head up, my eyelids drooping.

Come in." I wheezed. Adam opened the door, only halt at the sight of me.

"Holy- Samantha what have you been doing to yourself!?" I was a miserable sight after all, but I didn't care.

"Mhmmm." I murmured, scratching at my frizzy hair. I rested my head next to Ty's sleeping form, my vision getting blurry. I felt Adam hoist me up on my feet.

"Alright Beauty Queen, you're going to my dorm just across the hall and getting some rest. I'll watch Ty and let you know if anything happens." he didn't hear an answer because I was already out in his arms.


"Samantha?" I asked softly. She was limp in my arms, so I picked her up bridal style and stumbled out of Ty's room to my dorm. After I hiked all the way to my room, I gently set her down on my single sided bed. She turned over in her sleep as I drew back. I paused to study her face. I can see why Ty likes her.

I quickly shook myself out of my thoughts and gently shut the door before jogging all the way back to Ty's room. I found him partially sitting up in his spot.

"... My head hurts." He announced, smirking. "I needz food." I just laughed at him.

"Dude your hair is sticking up." I pointed out. He fixed his hair as I added, "So is your memory back?" He nodded, grinning like an idiot.

"Yeah, and I'm late on something for Sammy." He slipped off of his bed and ducked under it, rummaging through who knows what before pulling back with a heart shaped box. "Just some candy." He admitted as I gave him a quizzical look.

"Ah, well Samantha's asleep after having like, zero hours, and she looks like she's been pulled through a pig stock." He laid back down, his feet hanging over the edge of his bed.

"That's ok, I can wait a little longer."

Normal POV

I slowly stirred awake with a yawn, slowly waking up mentally.

"Hey." I turned my head to see a familiar face that was always partially covered by his bangs.

"Ty!" I yelped happily, sitting up and hugging him.

"Oof!" He grunted, hugging me back with one arm. "Hey." He continued. "I got something you might want." He held up a small heart shaped box.

"Ty, you didn't have to get me anything!" I protested. He shook his head while smirking.

"Too bad. It's Valentines day late, so I do have to." I slowly let go of Ty and hung over the edge of the bed, rummaging through the board games underneath. If Adam remembered...

"Dere ya go." I handed him a small bag of chocolates. He smiled, leaning forward and kissing.

"Happy Valentines Day."

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