Chapter 20

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     My phone vibrated with an unknown number, making Mitch pull back.

     "Sorry." he muttered, staring at his feet. My mind swirled with confusion as I answered the phone.


     "Samantha Verona? This is Seto from the Universitys' Hospital. Ty was in an accident and-" I dropped my phone, staring ahead in shock.

     "Samantha? What's wrong?" Mitch lifted my chin up at him. I slowly pushed his hand away.

     "Ty. H-he-" I stammered as tears slid down my face. "He's in the hospital." Mitch's eyes widened.

     "I'll get my car ready." He picked my phone up and pulled me with him outside. "Seto, you still there?" He opened shotgun's door for me to hop into as he talked to Seto. I couldn't focus on their conversation, as  I felt like someone stabbed a katana through my heart. "Yeah we're on our way." I heard Mitch say before he hung up and started the car. All I could do was just quietly cry while staring out the window.

     As soon as we pulled up, I dashed out of the car and sprinted through the double doors to the desk.

     "Tyler... Ellis?" I wheezed. The nurse nodded before glancing at a guy with a purple grey and red outfit.

     "Follow me." Seto turned and went through a few hallways. He paused in front of a door. "Before you go in, you should know something." I stared at him blankly. "He hit his head pretty hard." The floor seemed to drop out from below me. I pushed past Seto and entered the room. Ty looked up at me from twiddling his thumbs.

     "Hello?" He asked innocently. I took a sharp breath as I slowly walked over to him and kneeled next to the bed.

     "Do you know who I am?" I asked softly. He bit the inside of his cheek.

     "... You sound familiar." He admitted. I held back a sob while gently taking his hands.

     "Ty, I'm your girlfriend." His eyes flashed with familiarity.

     "so that's why I remember something about you. Your name's... Sam, isn't it?'

     "Samantha." Then Mitch and Seto slid into the room.

     "He's fine, but his head was hit, so it's up to him for how long he takes to recover."

     "Thank you Seto."

     "No prob." Seto looked over to me and Ty. "He can go home." I helped Ty up as he rose unsteadily to his feet.

     "So his memory isn't permanently gone, right?" I asked as Ty hobbled over to the door. Seto nodded as Mitch followed Ty.

     "Yeah, he'll be fine. It was just an accident after all." I dipped my head.

     "Thank you, Seto." He just stood there awkwardly.

     "Yeah, you're welcome?" He asked. I chuckled before following after the two guys to make sure they were ok.Ty would be alright. He would just suffer amnesia for a few days, and then be back to the guy I fell for.

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