Chapter 2

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After about an hour of doodling, everyone finally started finishing up. The Professor could no longer take her sweet time going back and forth between two hundred students. As soon as she picked up the last kid's test, she announced, "You are dismissed."

Amy immediately dragged me to our dorm room, bundled me in, and locked the door to avoid traffic.

"How did you finish so soon?" She asked innocently. I shrugged, grabbing an apple from our mini fridge. She followed me and collected an orange from the fridge. I noticed that my hoodie was close to falling down, so I yanked it back up to cover my head. "Well, at least part of the suspense is over." She decided, helping herself to her orange.

"You're not worried about your result?" I asked curiously. She shrugged and offered me a slice. I accepted it, shoving it into my mouth in anticipation. My taste buds sang at the orange's flavor.

"Nah, I know I'm a Wattpader, through and through." She decided, waving off any hesitation. I took a crunchy bite of my apple, deep in thought. Am I a Writer? If I'm a hybrid, do I fit anywhere?

"You know what?" Amy suddenly whisked me back into reality. "I'm inviting Nathan and Taylor over." She unlocked the door and slipped through it, leaving me alone in silence. It was kinda relaxing, since I welcome lonership. I'm used to it since I've been alone until I met Amy in this school, and she had introduced me to Taylor and Nathan. we were all good friends, but I could tell that they were suspicious about me constantly covering my head. They even asked me once, but I said that I was just always cold.

Nathan burst into my dorm room, laughing as Amy and Taylor creeped in behind him, their faces red with trying not to laugh.

"What did you do?" I asked in a mock serious tone. He shook his head, still laughing.

"Ah... we were just... practicing Do Not Laugh... Hah." He said between fits of giggles. I facepalmed before handing him a glass of water. "Thanks." He wheezed before gulping it down.

Amy and Taylor had returned to their normal skin tones, and Nathan managed to calm down and drink the entire glass of water. After a while, we were just hanging out and playing Truth or Dare. I always chose Truth to be safe.

"Alright, Amy, Truth or Dare?" I asked. She grinned.


"I dare you to sing Justin Beiber 'Boyfriend'."


Simple dares and truths like that went through out the game. Then it was my turn.

"Samantha, Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." I replied immediately.

"Who is your YouTube crush?"

My cheeks started to burn in embarrassment. Geez, even Truth questions were hazardous. Mental Note: Never watch YouTube near Amy.

"Um.. I- uh..." I stammered. Amy giggled, munching on a chocolate chip cookie. "Aw, she's got a secret crush!"

"That's not true!" I protested, my face blushing harder.

"It's either that, or 'Boyfriend' by Justin Beiber." Agh, why me?

"Fine, it's-" A sudden knock on the door saved me, and I sighed in relief. No way did I want them to know that. "I'll get it." I said quickly, darting to the door. The man behind it handed me two envelopes before turning away without a word. Frowning, I shut the door and peered at the writing on the envelopes. Amy and Samantha. They were addressed to us.

I handed Amy's letter to her and opened mine, refusing to breathe. They were our results. This was the moment that we would find out our future. I gasped at the words that I saw, and quickly sat down on the floor.

"Yes! I'm going to Wattpad University!" Amy shrieked excitedly. I just stared dumbfounded at my result. I wasn't going to Wattpad University. I was going to YouTubers' University.

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