Chapter 36

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     "I've practiced and practiced and practiced." Jerome grumbled. "All of my freakin' life!"

     "Jerome, your left!" We both dodged in time to avoid Seto's fireball as Mitch reflected it back to Seto. Seto narrowly avoided it, smirking.

     "Keep up the good work!" He called out as he flicked his wrists, slamming me and Dan against each other with telekinesis.

     "How the heck are we supposed to do this?" He grumbled, separating himself from me with a red blush on his cheeks. I smiled apologetically.

     "Split up, flank 'em." I explained breathlessly before diving back into the battle. Ian and Seto were trying their hands at close combat as a sneaky Benja fired a bow at Seto's leg.

     I pulled off the occulous rift before it hit its mark, taking a deep breath. We were in the community park, and we didn't have real weapons, just sticks and rocks. The occulous rift was wired to where the objects we had looked like weapons. Thanks Felix.

     The others swiped their occulous rifts, panting as well.

     "Phew!" Tyler breathed, munching on a potato (...?). "That was brutal."

     "Awww!" Bodil whined. "I didn't get to use my virtual TNT."

     "BODIL40!!!!!" I yelled, loosing my breath. He just laughed like a maniac.

     "Anyone hungry? I brought some food." Jordan offered. pulling out a small container.

     "CHICKAN!!!!!" I screamed, tackling him. "FEED MEH."

     "DIE LIKE A CHICKAN!!!!!" Bodil shouted. I stole the container from Jordan and hightailed a few meters away from him, getting time to wolf down the meat while he sat up with a "?" look. I creeped back over to him and balanced the now-empty container on his head.

     "Ya know, you've got some leaves in your hair." I combed a tuft of his hair, snagging a leaf, and held it front of him. He just stared at me with his questioning look. Bodil and I shared a brief glance before bursting into laughter again. Ian rolled his eyes.

     "Well, why don't we go home? I'm hungry." I nodded vigorously in agreement and scrambled to the parking lot. A pack of hungry guys chased after me as I scurried into Ian's car. Ty's car was back at University, and I was 'Grounded' from it for hot wiring it. Everyone got into their cars as Ian slid into the drivers seat, revving the engine.

      "Hewo." I waved at him. He chuckled, but kept his eyes on the road. Now I know why he's considered the eldest. Sometimes.

     I stared out the window, watching the sun set. It was a nice red orange, with a hint of pink. I usually don't like pink, but it gave the sunset a finishing touch.

     I felt like I was being watched, so my head whipped around to Ian. It wasn't him, he was in his driving zone. I turned back and spotted a figure darting between the tall grassed fields. Relax. I scolded myself. There's no such thing as The Jeepers Creeper. I closed my eyes for a moment, letting the engine's revving soothe me. The prickling sensation of being watch acted up again, making my eyes fly open. Two white lights were shining between the grass stalks, keeping up with the car. As I stared back, I was flung into a vision:

My surroundings were very unique, dark color of pinkish brown around me, made of blocks. I looked down at myself, gasping. I was wearing a beautiful dress, pure black. And I was made of blocks too.

     "May I see?" I looked up to see someone who was supposed to be evil. Herobrine smiled kindly at me. "You're beautiful. Notch would be jealous." He murmured, his white eyes flickering. I scoffed.

     "But I'm just a mortal." I protested. Herobrine reached out to me, taking my blocky hand.

     "You're more than that to me." He looked up at me, then leaned in, kissing me-

    "SAMANTHA!" My eyes flew open to see a car whiz past me as Ian, Seto and Mitch pulled me back. I trembled as Mitch hugged me tightly. What was happening to me?

     "You almost got yourself killed!" Ian shouted, obviously angry. "What were you thinking!?"

     "Dood, go easy on her." Mitch glared at Ian. "I know I'm not the only one who saw here eyes flash white. Am I right?"

     "i- I had a vision." I stammered. "After I saw two white lights, I saw-" I paused, my eyes widening. I kissed Herobrine in a vision or dream whatef!?

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