Chapter 6

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     I stared at Ty, not knowing what to say. How am I suppose to tell him the truth? If I tell him, I could get sent to a lab, but if I don't tell him... I could lie.

     "Well?" He asked. I swallowed hard, forcing down my fear.

     "Well what?" I shot back.

     "What's with the ears?" My vision started swimming a little.

     "I... I." I stammered. He sat down on the edge of the bed next to me, resulting in me flinching back. He slowly gathered the front of my hoodie in his grasp and pulled it back, revealing my fluffy ears. Then he randomly started laughing.

     "Wh-what?" I asked.

     "I love how real they look." I felt like a thousand tons were lifted off of me.


     "Yeah, and the hoodie makes you look so mysterious." He slipped the hoodie back over the top of my head. I started grinning like a troller who had found tnt.

     "I was worried you would judge me." I admitted. He shook his head before standing back up.

     "Nah, it's not in my right to judge. Anyway, get some sleep while you can. Tomorrow you meet Professor Felix (Psst! PewDiePie)." He slammed the door behind him, leaving me filled with utter shock. I was almost found out about one of my secrets...

*****Le time skip of cinnamon rolls...*****

     I yelped in surprise before bolting upright, breathing heavily. I pulled my hoodie back up before sighing heavily into my hands. This was another secret I have, but far more personal: I always have this one reoccurring dream of an apocalypse... Well, not an apocalypse, but everyone around me would either disappear or hate me. I didn't understand it, and of course it wasn't true.

     I creeped down the stairs to get some water when I noticed Ty asleep on the couch. I paused for a moment to glance at him. He didn't look like a strict teacher with a joking side and a shut-up-or-I'm-a-strangle-you attitude. He looked like a teenager with a lot of responsibility. He was really difficult to understand, too. Sometimes he was nice to me, but the sometimes he was gruff, serious or even heartless. It's starting to play with my emotions.

     I quickly shook myself out of my thoughts and sneaked over to the fridge. I took a few sips of water before putting the glass back. Then I turned around to see Ty right behind me.

     "Nu, must you do dat?" i complained. He chuckled.

     "Yesh." I rolled my eyes.

     "Well, now i'm startled."


     "GOOD?" I gaped at him. "Why?" He shrugged, grinning.

     "Cause I feel like it..." Then his eyes wandered to the floor as he muttered something inaudible.

     "What?" I asked. He slowly looked up at me.

     "Didn't you have a dare about kissing me?" I was glad there wasn't enough light for him to see me blushing.

     "Maybe..." I muttered.

     "Would you have done it?" I looked away.

     "I don't know... it was up to you, really." He brushed my bangs out of my eyes. I slowly looked back at him.

     "Would you like to know what I would have done?" He asked softly. My heart started racing when he smirked.

     "I would have done what I did." I gave him a fake gasp.

     "Hurtful!" I exclaimed with a smile. He laughed and sat back on the top of the couch.

     "Nah, I was just caught off guard." He patted my head, and I flinched back. "You're still wearing the ears?" I slowly met his gaze.

     "I-I need to tell you something." I felt something run down my cheek. "I... I'm not... uhm..." I sighed and quickly said "I'm not human." and looked away. I felt my hoodie gently pulled down, revealing my soft grey furred ears. I flicked them as Ty chuckled.

     "I guess you forgot one small thing about me." He wiped the tear off my face, lifting my chin up at him.


     "I love cats." He leaned forward and kissed me.


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