Chapter 13

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     Since everyone was out recording, I decided to talk to (Professor) Felix, since I haven't seen him in awhile. It took a little time to walk there since I didn't feel like hot-wiring Ty's Corvette and running off with it. Even though it would get back at him. (^.^)

     After jogging up thee gazillion stairs, I knocked on the door.

     "Come in." I opened the door to see Felix look up cheerfully. His happy expression faded when he saw me. "Oh great." He sighed.

     "What?" I sat down in a spare chair. He took a deep breath before pushing something on his desk toward me. I snatched up, astounded. It was my test, and it had a 100% on it.

     "H-How did you-" He interrupted my stammering by raising his hand.

     "Professor Primus and Professor Gleeon came by yesterday." Felix began." They had found a slight error in the enrollments. You're meant to be in Wattpad University, not YouTubers' University. Hailey Nightsong was put in your place as a result of the mistake."

     "Hailey." I asked. "Bodil's roomie?" He dipped his head.

     "Yes, but I'm sure that you would rather write than be a YouTuber, correct? After all, you don't have an account, and you love writing." Tears were forming, so I got up and turned away.

     "Of course. Wh-when do I leave?" My voice cracked.

     "A week." I nodded and slowly left the room, silently closing the door behind me. I plodded down a few staircases before going to the end of a hallway. I slumped down against the back wall and hugged my knees as tears fell, making the smooth floor glisten silver. After a while, I started sobbing, knowing that this was not going to end well.

     The halls started to get darker as the sunlight fled from the night. It made me feel like I was in Five Nights at Freddy's. I shuddered, still crying. I hate crying. It makes me feel weak, but I can't control it. Suddenly I heard footsteps echoing through out the building. I looked up in time to see a silhouette walk past the hallway. Quickly wiping my face from the salty water, I got up and tip-toed to the edge of the wall, overhearing the distant murmur of voices. I closed my eyes as I began to make out some of the words.

     "... we can't keep this up... Felix... suspects thievery. Let's just leave while we can. We have the programmings... need."

     "Hello, little girl. Are you lost?" I turned around in time to feel lightheaded and pain as I fell down, and the ground met me as my vision turned blacked.

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