A/N Holy Budder! 100 Views!?

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     Me: (Checking up on stats of mah book when a certain number catches my eye) WHAAAA!? Holy Budder and Bacon! 100 views? Wow... I... Thank you guys so much! I am flabbergasted by the amount of support from you guys. This will encourage me to continue. As a plus for this many views in a week, you guys get to be a part of this story! All I need is:





College/University (Try to not all cram into one school plz):

YouTube Crush (Besides Ty and Adam {Only reason other YouTubers' girlfriends aren't in this is because it'd be too many, and I don't know how many people will do dis}):

     I know for sure I can't this enough, but thank you. I will continue updating, thanks to you guys' amazing support.

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