Chapter 34

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     "Hello?" I looked around, trying to get a glimpse of someone, but all I saw was darkness.


     "I'm here, talk to me!" I called out. I could see a light in the distance, and a silhouette of someone.

     "Something is coming." The person murmured. "A great evil that has grown very strong. He was once banned from his lifestyle, but now he's back to take revenge." I managed to make out the person as he slowly turned around to meet my gaze. He had a hoodie covering his face, and was wearing a grey jacket with a red creeper on the front...

    "Earth to Samantha!" I sapped out of my vivid daydream. Was that a vision? I looked up to see Wildstar's concerned face. "You ok?" I nodded, shrugging off my worry. Hailey and Ashlyn were behind Amy, who was next to Wildstar and Mitch. The 6 of us and Ty, Adam and Jason were in the park between all four Colleges.

     "Where's Adam, Ty and Jason?" I asked paranoid. Mitch frowned at me.

     "They went to find some food." He seemed to be assessing if I was ok, but I was panicked. I got up abruptly from the park bench and whipped my phone out as I began to run.

     "I'm gonna go find them!" I threw over my shoulder before dialing a number and getting into Ty's Corvette, mischeviously hot wiring it. Thanks Bodil for that trick.

     "Hello?" His voice sent chills down my spine, reminding me of my vision.

     "We need to talk." I snapped as I jerked out of the parking lot.

     "Indeed we do, I was hoping you'd get that." I sped past a lot of cars, both hands on the wheel as I held the phone between my shoulder and my ear.

     "Why?" I asked softly.

     "I'll explain as soon as you meet me in my office." The phone clicked as the line went dead. I threw the phone in the passenger's seat as I crookedly parked the car. Ignoring my irritaded OCD, I jogged up a few flights of the hospital, knocking on my desired location's door.

     "Come in." I swung the door open to see Seto looking out the window. He was wearing the clothing in my vision, looking the same as he had then. I shuddered before slamming the door behind me. I folded my arms as he turned to me.

     "I'm sure you have questions?" He grinned.

     "This is not something to joke about." His smile faded as his eyes gave an apolegetic twinkle.

     "You're right." He waved his hand at the chair on the opposite side of the desk between me and him. His hand glowed a slight purple before the chair moved itself back, allowing me to sit down. I gave him a confuzzled glare as I sat down.

     "SetoSorcerer, remember?" I scoffed as he chuckled, then he turned back to the window.

     "Can you tell me what you meant?" I asked. "About this... Evil person?" He scoffed.

     "He's more than just evil. He's more than just a computer program. He's coming to life." I waited impatiently for him to continue.

     "As soon as he has a human form, he'll go after Minecrafters. He'll destroy everything, and if that's not enough, Earth. He'll kill all gryphons, insects, humans, pets, animals... Everything. There's even a prophecy about it." He tossed me a scroll, and I slowly opened it, blowing the dust off.

He shall rise and burn

All shall mourn

Heroes will be corrupted

Chaos will be erupted

Ender on the Wing

White on the brimming

Wither away

as all will decay

He with eyes of white

burning ever so bright

He is one of the night

His fangs flash bright

Another with heads of three

Kills more than a tree

hybrids of three

were companions with thee

12 to join a quest

Will save the three to be refreshed.

It was all in blocky handwriting, familiar as my eyes scanned it. I looked up at Seto, my mouth hanging wide.

     He blinked at me. "Do you believe me now?"

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