Chapter 35

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     The blocky scroll fell from my hands as I scrambled out of my seat.

     "H-How?" I gasped, staring at the scroll. Seto walked over to me and picked it up, setting it gently down on the desk before leaning towards me, staring me in eyes.

     "It is possible. I stumbled across the portal myself and retrieved this. Herobrine is rising." He glanced at the scroll forlornly. "I just don't know when-" A ring interrupted the serious atmosphere. I snatched Seto's phone and accepted the call.

     "Oh, thank God, Samantha, I was so worried! After what happened to Adam Ty and Jason, we were so-" I dropped the phone and dropped onto the chair, my lower lip quivering in shock as a numbing feeling coursed through my body.

     "It's beginning." I whispered as Seto collected the phone.

     "Amy, what happened?" Seto was talking to Amy as I stared out the window, time seemed to stopped. Something bad had happened, something terrible, something-

     I glanced at the ground through the window, doing a double take. Two white orbs were shining in the darkness of an alleyway before quickly disappearing. I gasped and ran as far away from the window as possible, wheezing lightly. My head started spinning, making me sway. Seto hung up on Amy and darted over to me in time to catch me as I fell to the floor, blacking out.

*****Le time skip of a cliffhanger, MUAHAHAHA!*****

     I groaned as my eyelids slowly lifted, my vision very blurry.

     "Hey, dood." A voice said softly. I blinked a few times before my sight focused.

     "Hey Ian." I croaked, sitting up and rubbing my nape. "What happened?"

     "Well, Seto brought you over here unconscious." He summed up.

     "N-no, what happened to-" I coughed before continuing. "To Adam, Ty, and Jason?"

     "They were kidnapped, we think." I struggled to gt off of the couch, my knees shaking. My legs felt like jello, so bad that I only managed to slump against Ian's shoulder. "Hey, you need to rest, we'll find-"

     "No you won't!" I sobbed. "They aren't here anymore!" Ian sighed and helped me to my feet before glancing at me, obviously confused.

     "What do you mean?"

     "Where's Seto?" I choked back a sob. "Where is he!?" Ian helped me up the stairs, revealing Seto patiently leaning against my bed. "Seto." My voice cracked. "You know what we have to do." He sighed and let his head droop.

     "I was very fortunate to keep my memory, but if you all go through the portal, there's a very high chance that you won't remember who you are."

     "I'm willing to take that risk." I was determined to get my friends back. I whirled around and stalked down the stairs, without Ian's help since he was asking Seto "What portal?", only to find Mitch, Jerome, Quentin, Bodil, Jordan, Taylor (Antvenom), Dan and Tyler waiting.

     "We're going too!" Jerome blurted.

     "Way to not give us away, biggums." Mitch muttered sarcastically. I stared at them for a moment before sighing in defeat.

     "Fine." I growled. I heard footsteps, and I glanced behind me to see Seto and Ian.

     "It will take a week to recover enough energy to summon the portal." He announced. "Which gives you time for training practice."

     "Training?" Dan asked.

     "Do you think Herobrine will just give us Adam Ty and Jason back?" Dan dipped his head, embarrassed at the rhetorical question. Seto clapped his hands together.

     "Right then, let's get to it, shall we?"

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