Chapter 19

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"SAMANTHA VERONA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I jumped so high that my ears pressed against the ceiling.

"Amy Noor, what!?" I yelled back.

"Hi." I rolled my eyes and patted her head.

"You are way too hyper."

"So should you. It is Valentines Day after all, and you and Ty-"

"Amy!" Ashlyn peeked around the corner. "Amy, it's time to go." She walked out to reveal a cute teal dress (Sorry if u don't like that color).

"Kawaii!" I gasped exaggeratedly, applauding. She started blushing.

"Yeah, what about you?" She replied. I looked down at my outfit. A plum colored sparkly dress with a black vest and black and silver sandals.

"What about me? I just went for the color, I don't like pink." I admitted. It was Amy's turn to gasp exaggeratedly. "Hey, I like cookies, be grateful." I continued. She tipped her head before nodding.

"Alright, you got me there." She agreed as Wildstar came up to us, wearing a night blue dress with a black bow in the front.

"Don't forget, you get to meet my sister." She reminded me. Right. I get to meet StormySkies. Then Nightsong and Nathan skipped in, Nightsong wearing a dress similar to Wildstar's, and Nathan wearing casual clothes.

"Ya ready?" Nightsong asked. Everyone nodded eagerly.

"Lez do dis!" I announced, pumping my fist in the air.

***** Le time skip of Red White and Pink*****

We arrived as a group, socializing the entire time as the doors beckoned us to the dance. As soon as I stepped in, I was mobbed by people I didn't know.

"There she is! The cat girl!" A female student exclaimed. Cat girl? Did someone spot my ears or something? They clustered around us, asking things about ears and tails when someone pushed through the crowd, taking my hand and dragging me away.

"Glad I saved ya." Adam chuckled. I sighed in relief.

"Yeah, thanks." I adjusted my small jacket that covered the noodle straps. "Where's Ty?"

"Dunno." Adam shrugged. "He's late." I felt someone poke me on my shoulder, making me turn around.

"Samantha, this is my sister, StormySkies." I shook Wildstar's sister's hand.

"Wildstar has talked a lot about you." StormySkies shot a playful glare at Wildstar. "Good things, don't worry." She added.

"Hey." Someone gently tugged my jacket. I turned around to see Mitch smiling at me. "There's a slow song going on. Can I ask you to dance?"

"Uh- yeah sure." I responded. He pulled me into the room where the music was on. Gamer Girl Love song was playing as we slowly rotated in a circle, shifting from one foot to another.

"Can I try something, even if it seems inappropriate? It would only happen once."

"Sure?" I answered hesitantly. Mitch took a deep breath before leaning close to me.

"Stay still." He murmured before kissing me. The song ended to my unawareness, while time seemed to bend to a halt.

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