Chapter 33

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     I woke up feeling miserable. My eyes were already watering at the fresh morning air, and my throat felt raw.

     "Ow." I managed to say, grimacing in pain. Did I have any needles in my diet? I didn't think I did... I rolled over to the night stand, managing to snag my phone into my hand, and slowly rang someone.

     "Hey, what's up Samantha?"

     "I feel like a millions trucks ran over my throat." I scoffed, only to bare my teeth in suffering.

     "I'll be over before you can say 'Spring Break.'"

     "Spring-" Great, Mitch felt like toying with me, of bloody course. I dragged myself out of my room and plodded down the stairs, to see no one but Amy drinking coffee, at peace.

     "Are you sure you need that?" I croaked. She did a double take when she saw me.

     "Did you get run over in your sleep or something?" I opened my mouth for a sharp retort, only to feebly hack, which turned into a coughing fit. Amy went over to me and felt  my forehead. "Geez, everytime we have a class, something comes up for you."  She said innocently as the door was knocked on. She hopped over to the door as I began coughing into my elbow.

     "Oh- uh, hey Mitch..." I looked up in surprise. What was up?

     "Um... I was just, uh, *clears throat*, I brought Samantha some medicine."

     "How thoughtful. You wanna come in?"

     "Well, me and the guys have some videos to make..."

     "Understandable, bye!" Amy turned back to me with a few things in her hands, her face a lovely shade of fading pink.

     "Hey, I think you're coming down with something too." I decided, managing not to grin.

     "What?" I zombie walked over to Amy and felt her forehead.

     "Oh no..."

     "What? What is it!?"

     "You have a fever."


     "Mhm, a love fever." I crowed.


     "Yeah, that's my name, don't abuse it."


     "Oh, come on, I can tell you like him." I stopped to cough before continuing. "I think he feels the same. He was babbling like an idiot at the door." She laughed while handing me a glass of water and a few medicine pills, like Mucinex.

     "Thanks, Samantha. Just please don't give me The Talk."

     "And about that-"

     "Hey, you don't hear me nagging you and Ty about each other!" My cheeks started burning.

     "So what's for breakfast?" I asked quickly before taking the medicine.

     "I can make some bacon and eggs."

     "Nuh!" I gasped before coughing. "Not Jeffery! (Jeffery the Pig, bacon.... get it?)" She gave me an evil smirk before pulling out pre-cooked bacon.

     "Sorry Jason." She said out loud. She started microwaving the bacon when someone knocked on the door.

     "I'll get it." I muttered before tip toeing to the door, opening it to see a young woman with black hair, bangs covering her eye. "Can I help you?" I wheezed, managing to cough into my arm.

     "Hi, I'm Lily." She chirped cheerfully. "Do you know where I can find Jason Probst?" I opened the door a crack more.

     "He's in the YouTube University, why?" She ignored my last question with a huge smile.

     "Ok, then my trip here was futile if he's at my College." She looked me up and down before adding "Hope you get better!" Then skipped down the halls. I stared after her black veil of hair.

     "You're Welcome... I guess." I grumbled. Who was she? Why was she looking for Jason? My thoughts flickered to the other day, when I intruded on Wildstar's secret. I closed the door behind me, frowning in concentration as Amy handed me the bacon.

     "Thanks." I ate the bacon in a few bites, continuing to daydream as my throat throbbed in pain, as if on fire.

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