Chapter 45 and Epilogue

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Ian's POV

     "NO!" I lounged forward as Samantha dissolved into the purple light. Then she was gone.

     Just like that.

     Herobrine unsteadily rose to his feet, throwing me a triumphant smirk.

     "See ya!" Then he lept through the portal, teleporting to the other world. I started to run to it, wanting to follow them and give the cheat a piece of my mind when Seto stopped me.

    "LET ME GO!" I yelled, trying to escape his grip. Seto walked in front of me with a serious expression on his face, his iron grasp still locked on my shoulders.

     "Ian. Calm. Down." He ordered. I slowly took an angry breath before ceasing my struggle. Seto cautiously let go of me. A sudden rustle made me whirl around, ready to beat something up. A startled British man stood before me.

     "Woah woah woah Ian, calm down!" Dan yelped, waving his hands in front of him. Tyler, Quentin, Bodil, Jerome, Mitch, Jordan, Igor, both Taylor's, Nathan and Felix crept past him.

     "I thought we were supposed to keep this from him." I sighed, waving at Felix. He blinked in surprise.

     "Ain't no way I'm a miss this." I glared at him until Nathan piped up.

     "We're going after her, right?" Seto gave him a sad look. I whipped my glare around, directing it at him.

     "We are saving her, right?" I growled. Seto sighed.

     "Well, there's a very high chance that you won't remember who you are until you come back to this dimension, meaning that you could start a new life in Minecraftia, but I can't since I'm a sorcerer."  I stared at the portal, almost mesmerized by the beckoning purple hue.

     "Then you can find us." I looked back at him. "You know what we look like, our Minecraft skins, you could find us and tell us who we are."


     "Seto." Felix gently interrupted. "It's our only hope. We're Samantha's only hope." Seto looked torn before he dipped his head.

     "Then I shall go first." He murmured. He walked over to the portal, then took a deep breath before plunging into the purple light, which concealed him from our sight. One by one, we hopped into the portal, not knowing what was in store for us.

To be Continued...

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