Chapter 38

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I whimpered, turning over and crying out loud.

"Ty!" I sobbed, writhing in grief.

"Hey, Samantha!" Arms wrapped around me, preventing me from moving. I jerked one last time before I opened my eyes, breathing heavily. I stared up at a concerned Ian before glancing around wildly.

"Where is he?" I whispered. Ian hugged me, which calmed me down a little bit. I sighed. "Right." I muttered. I hugged him back for a second before he pulled back.

"Mitch brought prizza." Of course that was brighten my day. He helped me off the couch as someone knocked on the door. "Come in." Ian called. Mitch came in with a slice of pizza- no, prizza- and handed it to me. I greedily ate it in a few bites.

"We need to find them." I looked up at them both. "I-I can't stand it. They're beginning to haunt my dreams." I took a deep shuddery breath. "I have to find them."

"You know Seto isn't fully recharged yet though." Mitch gently remminded. I stared at my shoes, not replying.

"I'll just go home then." I muttered. Ian was about to say something when I added "I'll be fine." I was aware of both of their gazes as I shut the door behind me. I had plenty of time to be by myself as I walked home, constantly thinking about Ty, Adam and Jason. Were they ok? Would I ever see them again?

The moon was sinking in the sky by the time I got home. I plodded up the stairs to my dorm, mentally exhausted. That quickly disappeared when I spotted my calendar. Oh yeah, wait, there's a dance tonight? Geez, I'm behind... I made my way to the bathroom, brushing my hair since it looked like a bird tried to make a nest out of it. I managed to make it looked straightened when I heard something. I put the brush down and left the bathroom, only to come face to face with a creature shifting form, revealing... Wildstar!?

"Uh... Look, I can explain!" Her eyes were wide with surprise, just like mine.

"Ok, first off." I began, to start a flurry of questions. "What are you? Second off, why are you keeping secrets from us, three, where are you from, and fourth, are you going to EAT me!?" I felt like backing away from my friend at the last question.

"Ok, I am a Northern elemental gryphon, I am from Tamriel, and no, I won't eat you!" She threw her hands up in exasperation. "God, do I look like I would do that?" I crept back to her.

"Ok... But you didn't answer my second question." I tipped my head, realizing that my ears were out since I was so apprehensive.

"Well, the reason I haven't told you, is because it goes against The Code of the Gryphon." I had NO clue what that meant. "I'm not allowed to tell you my information, and I don't know why." She looked slightly concerned at this point.

"Well, your secret's safe with me Wildstar, I promise." I pledged. Her eyes narrowed slightly.

"I hope you keep your promise, because this is something dangerous if it gets exposed. You mustn't tell a soul. Understood?" I instinctively nodded at her serious tone. I was relieved when she smiled. "Now, let's get ready for tonight's dance, shall we?" She added. I grinned, actually happy ever since Ty Adam and Jason were kidnapped.

"Yush, lez do dis!" I yelled, pumping my fist in the air.

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