Chapter 28

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     "There's a mystery. Every time we play. Another lucky block just spawned today." I sang quietly to myself as I jogged down the stairs. I almost bumped into Ty on the last step.

     "Eep!" I yelped, managing to dodge past him without losing my balance. He jumped back in surprise, resulting in me crashing into him and both of us falling to the ground. I pushed myself off of him quickly, allowing him to get up with a groan. "S-sorry." I stammered, feeling really warm with embarrassment.

    "Nah, it's fine Samantha. I just didn't expect to 'run into ya'." I grinned and nodded in agreement.

     "Same here." I got up to leave when he grabbed my shoulder.

     "Hey, wait." I looked over at him.


     "I realized that ever since we've been together, I haven't asked you out anywhere."


     "Do you wanna see a movie?"

     "Uh, sure, what movie?"

     "The Duff?... I'll come by your dorm at six. "

     "Yeah, absolutely, sure." He let go of me and I finished my route to my destiny, shutting the door behind me.

     "What took ya so long?" Wildstar didn't even glance up from her sandwich.

     "Ty just asked me out!" I announced excitedly. Now her gaze left the lunch.

     "WHAT!?" She squawked in surprise. I nodded with a ridiculous grin on my face.

     "Holy grail, dat's awesome! Good job!" She hopped up and hugged me, jumping up and down in excitement. I laughed with her, acting hyper as well. Wait, what does holy grail mean? I quickly shrugged off the detail, chuckling as Wildstar dashed back to her meal. I've never heard anyone say 'Holy Grail' before. (true story bro) I jogged up the stairs to get ready for the date.

*****Le Time skip of comedian movies*****

     I hugged the popcorn tightly as we exited the movie theatre.

     "I liked that movie." I declared to Ty.

     "Yeah, it was pretty funny." A sudden phone call interrupted our conversation. I passed the popcorn to Ty, giving him a glare to not eat any, before I slipped my phone out of my pocket.

     "E-yellow!" I asked cheerfully.

     "Wildstar just had a bad dream, and she's really nerved."

     "What, why?"

     "She didn't say, just a bad dream."

     "Ok, well I'll tell Professor Gleeon that she won't go to her Wattpad classes today then. I'll come home ASAP and stay with her." I hung up on StormySkies and turned to Ty.

     "Go if you need to." He patted the top of my head. "You gotta do what you gotta do." Hopefully, if I stay with Wildstar, she'll tell me about her dream and not feel so upset.

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