Chapter 41

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Samantha's POV

I turned to Herobrine, my smile faded.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"I... I Thought you might like it here." Herobrine stammered.

"I have to go home." I whispered. His eyes glowed slightly brighter.

"You can't."

"Why not?" My voice hardened as my throat tightened.

"... You don't know... The traitors that are in your mist."

"Oh yeah, like who?"

"Setosorcerer." I blinked back threatening tears.

"Wh-what about him?" Herobrine sighed.

"Did he ever tell you what really happened that day, when Adam Dahlberg, Tyler Ellis and Jason Probst disappeared?" I clenched my teeth slightly.

"You kidnapped them." I accused. He shook his head, his eyes dimming in almost a pity like way.

"When Seto first succeeded in summoning the portal, I went through it to your world, yes, but he didn't mention, most likely, that the trio you care about so much..."

"St-op." My voice cracked. I blinked as a tear crawled down my cheek, and I took in a shaky breath. "Don't you dare question my friends." I wiped off the tear. Herobrine hugged me, sighing.

"I just want to protect you." I pulled back and took a deep breath.

"Je ne suis pas pressé." I muttered. He smiled.

"Same here." He chuckled. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"If you didn't kidnap them, then who did?"

"Ah, that is the thing. No one did. It was all an accident."


"They slipped and fell."

"All of them?"

"Yes. Why would I lie? I have no reason to." He leaned forward and kissed me, to my surprise, catching me so off guard that I didn't do anything.

Ian's POV

"Absolutely not!" I glared at the gang of girls that had followed us. Taylor glared furiously at me, not blinking an eye.

"She's our friend to, and we're going to help her!" She protested, her eyes flickering a different color. Wait, I thought only Seto-?

"You're not coming with us, it's dangerous!"

"YES WE ARE!" Her hands started smoking a light blue color. I stared confusedly as Amy gently nudged her, murmuring something in her ear. She sighed and clenched her fists, the color disappearing. Then Ashlyn edged forward, cautious of anger.

"Well, it's just that we care about Samantha, much like you do. With Spring Break (Spring Break...) coming and classes being over for the time being, Herobrine could come back, maybe even return her?" I shook my head.

"Unfortunately, that's wishful thinking. Apparently Wildstar didn't fill you in on that one detail." I glared at the quite tall girl, who nodded slightly.

"Yes, you're right." Wildstar sighed. "Herobrine actually loves Samantha."

"No!" Hailey gasped.

"Yes, and furthermore, due to my spying skills, they've even kissed-"

"WHAT!?" I suddenly shouted. Everyone looked at me in surprise. I quickly cleared my throat. "Sorry, continue please?"

"Well, Herobrine kissed Samantha, not the other way around, and I knew Samantha could speak some Spanish and Japanese, but not French."

"French?" I asked dully. "What did she say?"

"Je ne suis pas pressé." I stared at her.

"And what does that mean?"

"je ne sais pas!" I threw my hands up in the air.

"I give up, but you all are not coming with me, and that's that!" I turned on my heel and slammed the door behind me, leaving the girls to murmur amongst themselves.

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