Chapter 45: Kevin's victory party

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I suddenly woke up in the hospital bed from the beeping sound on a monitor then I turn around to see a lot of flowers and watch and wristband was on the table.

Kevin: 'Heh looks like there worried about me from that rocket explosion.' I thought then someone open the door she has white skin, pink hair she wears a nurse outfit with a clipboard on her hand.

' I thought then someone open the door she has white skin, pink hair she wears a nurse outfit with a clipboard on her hand

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Then she saw me awake from the rocket explosion.

Nurse Redheart: "Oh my goodness your awake!"

Kevin: "Yeah but how long I was out?"

Nurse Redheart: "Five days."

Kevin: "Whoa I never knew how much I can sleep like a bear."

Nurse Redheart: "Anyway what's your name dear?"

Kevin: "My names Kevin Trident."

Nurse Redheart: "Oh I heard of your friends they called you the Hero of Canterlot High right?"

Kevin: "Yep that's me and what's your name?"

Nurse Redheart: "My names Nurse Redheart nice to meet you."

Kevin: "Nice to meet you too."

Nurse Redheart: "Anyway your friends and your parents are waiting outside and those four kids are worried about you would like bring kids in."

Kevin: "Sure let them in." I said then Nurse Redheart left the room as I relax in my hospital bed then I summon my headphones and my phone so I put on my headphones then I started picking some music on my phone until I pick the song that I like.

Play Song - Heartbreak heard around the world - Jacob Latimore

As I listen the song I started humming then the door opens again which I took off my headphones and I turn off my music then I got up of my bed and I saw the kids with Nurse Redheart and the kids saw me and went widen eyed.

The Kids: "Kevin!"

Kota: "Your alive!"

Kevin: "Hey guys!"

They climb to the bed went and they give me a big hug.

Mahoro Shimano: "We thought you were dead from the explosion!"

Kevin: "Well I survived the explosion and now I'm here hehe."

Eri: "That's good I'm so happy that you are alive."

Katsuma Shimano: "Yeah your really good out there."

Kevin: "Heheh."

Nurse Redheart: "Would you like to bring your parents and your friends to come in to meet you?" She asked which I nodded then she left the room.

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