Chapter 59: Kevin catches a cold

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It was Tuesday morning Sunset and the others were at Sweet Shoope but somebody was missing.

Rainbow Dash: "Hey is anyone seen Kevin?"

Indigo Zap: "No I didn't see him in the school

Sunset Shimmer: "Hang on I'll call him."

She took out her phone and start calling him.

Kevin (On Phone): "Hello?"

Sunset Shimmer: "Hi Kevin."

Kevin (On Phone): "Hey Sunset *coughing*."

Sunset Shimmer: "Hey are you okay?"

Kevin (On Phone): "Yeah I'm fine but I catch a cold *sniff*."

Sunset Shimmer: "Sweet Celestia what happen?"

Kevin (On Phone): "I was playing basketball in the rain last night and I catch a cold."

Sunset Shimmer: "Oh, I hope your feeling better soon Kevin."

Kevin (On Phone): "Thanks Sunset *coughing* I'll see you guys when you all get back home okay."

Sunset Shimmer: "Okay see you soon bye."

Kevin (On Phone): "Bye *coughing*."

Sunset hang up her phone and putted in her pocket as she look at her friends.

Sci-Twi: "So what happen to him?"

Sunset Shimmer: "He catches a cold."

Fluttershy: "Oh dear is he going to be okay?"

Sunset Shimmer: "Don't worry he'll be fine Fluttershy."

Momo Yaoyorozu: "How did he catches a cold?"

Sunset Shimmer: "He was playing basketball in the rain at night."

Indigo Zap: "Oh so he's just like me when I play soccer in the rain."

Sunny Flare: "So who's going to take care of Kevin his sick?"

Sunset Shimmer: "Don't worry Lucifer and the others will take care of him."

Sugarcoat: "I hope Kevin will feel better soon."

(Meanwhile at Kevin's house)

Kevin was laying in his bed with a warm towel on his forehead.

Kevin: "Man this sucks *sniff* I hope I'll be better soon."

Then his phone start ringing again as Kevin look at the phone to see who It is which It was his adopted mom was calling.

Kevin: "Hello Mom."

Rose: "Hi sweetie how are you feeling?"

Kevin: "I'm not feeling well I catch a cold *coughing*."

Rose: "Oh dear do you have any medicine with you?"

Kevin: "No I don't have any medicine."

Rose: "Oh well, me and your dad are heading to the store to buy some medicine for you and how some soup to help feel better."

Kevin: "That would be great mom."

Rose: "Alright then rest easy okay."

Kevin: *sniff* I will Mom."

Rose: "Okay will be at your house soon bye sweetie."

Kevin: "Bye mom *coughing*."

He hang up his phone then someone knocking at his door.

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